|51. Takes 2|

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I spent my weekend up under my best friend. Liz was doing the usual great job at being my back bone. She treated me to breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday, letting me choose whatever I desired. I insisted no multiple times, but she threatened to kill me if I did again.

I slipped her a couple hundred dollar bills when she wasn't looking. Which paid back every meal and then some. She tried to slip them back in my drawers, but I'd lock them so she couldn't.

Sunday consisted of me being somewhat excited to see Harry. A day for the both of us away from the world sounded splendid, and could maybe heal our crackling trust.

Though to my dismay I was sadly wrong. Monday rolled around, and the last time I had heard from Harry was late Saturday evening. He told me he'd call me as soon as he lands, but no call ever came through the following day.

Or the next.

That cycle continued, and it was now Thursday evening and i hadn't heard a word from my 'boyfriend'.

I didn't want to worry Liz any more than I already had with Harry issues. She could tell something was up again, and almost cancelled her night with Josh to stay by my side.

As much as I'd love that, I wasn't that selfish. I had to push her out of the dorms and to his car just to get her to leave. As I watched the two drive off into the snowy night, a bone racking shiver ran down my spine.

Everything around me felt strangely uneasy. My extra senses began tingling as I got the feeling that something wasn't right. Hastily I returned back inside the safety of the building, but something still didn't feel right.

When I reached our room I locked the door behind me before heading straight for the windows. I looked over the area I was once standing, and to my horror noticed something.

A mysterious black figure removed itself from the bush that I was just by. They brushed themselves off briefly before looking around. Their face was shielded by a black hoodie as they scanned the building. The tilting of their head stopped once it reached my window.

I froze like the scared fool I was. I knew stopping in my tracks didn't make me disappear, but I was too petrified by the sight before me.

After an agonizing minute of the staring game, a matte black Maserati abruptly pulled up. The figure stared a few seconds more before jogging to the vehicle, then speeding off into the night.

I stayed frozen at the window for several minutes in paranoia after the person left. I wanted to make sure there weren't any more surprises hidden in the bushes.

I was so frozen in my spot that I didn't feel the frightened tears drying on my cheeks. With shaky limbs I finally pulled away to search for my phone. Any one with sense would have called the police, but not me.

I dialed the number I knew by heart instead.

Which was Harry's.

Every ring was like someone laughing in my face. Regret was starting to trickle in as I gripped the phone tighter. Harry had been MIA for days now, so it was stupid of me to think he'd pick up.

Just when I expected to hear the voicemail box the line picked up. It was silence for the first few seconds as I gathered up the courage to speak.


"Is everything alright love?" He could already sense something was wrong by my voice.

"Yeah yeah I just, saw something that spooked me. Are you alright? I haven't heard from you in days. I wanna see you Harry.."

Whether I was upset with Harry or not. He gave me a sense of security no one else could, and something was telling me he had some type of connection to those figures.

"I'm alright beautiful, I promise. I'm sorry I haven't called to check on you. Or answered any calls or texts. I promise I'll make this all up..." he finished in a disappointed tone.

The only person he had to be disappointed with was himself.

"And when is that?" I couldn't help the attitude in my tone.

"When I can, my love."

The scoff that left my lips was louder than intended. My fear dwindled to anger in a matter of mere minutes.

"It takes two people to form a relationship Harry.."

I heard him suck in a faint breath of air, getting ready to reply to my remark. Though a loud crash from the other end cut him off, startling me in the process.

"I-I love you, and just hope you trust me baby girl."

"Har-" the line going dead cut me off.

I stood dumbfounded in the center of my room debating what to do next. My mind screamed to go find him because my chances of finding sleep after the call were little to none. Harry was pissing me off to a certain extent, but not enough for me to not care about his well being.

I wrapped myself in layers of sweats and grabbed my pepper spray and pocket knife. It took almost ten minutes for me to just hype myself up enough to walk outside. I was petrified of seeing another dangerous entity, and couldn't stop myself from shaking the entire way to my car.

As soon as I got in I locked the doors. My shaky fingers gripped the steering wheel in an attempt to find some type of strength or support.

I had to calm myself down enough to make the drive to the only place I could think of, and that was his home.

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