•|Precise-pt 2|

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The sight drained me completely as disgust washed over. I wasn't interested in my drink anymore, but instead on getting the hell out of there. So I sat my drink down somewhere and wandered back down the stairs.

A number of emotions were coursing through me, but I could only focus on one, and it was jealousy. I usually wasn't the jealous type, yet here I am wanting to punch both of them square in their jaw.

I didn't say anything because I wasn't ballsy enough. Besides, they were all grown men and women. They'd just see me as a kid barely out of high school, who should mind their own business.

I went and found the nearest bathroom to hide in. I locked myself in a stall and slouched against the cold backsplash.

How could I be so fucking stupid to think Harry was interested in me? It's clear now that, that's the last thing he is.

He likes famous, Rich, pretty, grown, women. Not a kid like me.

I felt like nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

I might have been hiding in the bathroom for an hour. I had easily lost track of time in there. The clock neared twelve and my ass started to cramp against the uncomfortable tile. I decided to suck it up and finally walk out.

I was determined to leave with or with out him. All I wanted is to cuddle with my best friend and eat a tub of icecream.

While slithering through the crowd I felt a strong grasp take my arm. I gasped and whirled around ready to slap the person but stopped when I saw it was Harry.

I should've kept swinging.

"Jesus Aliyah it's just me love," he giggled. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or tipsy but I felt disgusted by him either way.

"Harry I wanna leave," I said firmly while not making eye contact with him. I didn't care if I sounded like a baby or acted like one. That was the least of my concerns.

"Leave? The night just started."

"Gordon can take me home and come back for you later. I'll make sure to tell him," I tried to turn around and walk away but he caught me again.

"Hey, what's wrong? You never want to leave like this... especially not this early," He tried to focus his eyes on me but had to blink a few times due to the alcohol he had previously drunken.

"Nothing," I crossed my arms still looking down.

"Tell me," Harry demanded as he pointed my chin up.

"It doesn't matter anyways. You seemed to be having fun drinking with Lexi..." I muttered. Even though I tried to be slick with it he still heard.

He always does.

"Are- are you serious right now?"

"I'm leaving," I didn't entertain for another second.

"Aliyah damnit wait!" He yelled after me. I was almost out of the crowd, so close, but he caught me again.

"You wanna leave? Fine. Let's go."

Harry grabbed my arm and held on tight. This time I was the one struggling to keep up. Whatever I did just flipped on his sober switch because he had no problem walking us to the car.

We didn't stop for any paps, no pictures, not even a smile. Harry opened my door for me then got in shortly after.

"Gordon, you know where to take us," Harry said just before the partition rolled up. His jaw was still clenched as the heat from his body radiated off onto me.

Lover|| h.s (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें