|22. Let's dance|

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A/n: I think you all will like this one ...


I sent Harry what I would be wearing for the night. It was around five and I had about four hours till he'd be here. Plenty of time- but I had wasted most of it by laying in bed waiting for Liz to get back from her day out with her boo. She actually seemed to really like this pizza delivery boy, and it made me happy for her. At least she actually knew who she wanted.

I FaceTimed Emanuel every moment he was available. Its like he couldn't go a day with out talking to me. The thought was cute, but I still didn't get that nervousness around him like I did with Harry. Around Harry I always felt nervous, like how I felt in high school when I had a crush. Though around Manny it felt like talking to any other friend, and that terrified me.

The rest of the day breezed by and it was around seven when I started getting ready. I had a waxing appointment the previous day so the only thing that needed shaving were my legs. I always tried to stay smooth when I had to go out with Harry. Mainly for the cameras and if he tried anything later on-which-he always did.

"Why are you so pretty? It actually makes me sick," Liz gagged as she adjusted my dress for me. I shook my head.

"Shut up, you know you're bad babe. Don't let my ass fool you," I reassured. She smiled and tapped my ass as we both laughed.

I touched up my make up and curls, then added the finishing touches of perfume. The time showed three minutes til nine and I decided to start making my way downstairs.

"Turn your ringer on so if the building locks me out you can let me in, please," I said on my way out.

Unfortunately, even as college kids the key codes had curfews. They stopped scanning keys after one am. After that you either had to pray your roommate let you in or stay out til five for them to work again. There's been millions of requests to get it changed but since mostly student athletes lived in this building, they saw it as a way to benefit them.

As soon as I stepped out into the nippy air Gordy and Harry pulled around. Instead of it being Gordy to let me in, Harry came around the car instead. He had on that devilish smirk as his hair blew in the cold nights winds.

"Good evening darling, you look gorgeous as usual," He complimented in his deep voice. I shook my head smiling to myself. His damn compliments were going to be the death of me.

"Thank you, Harry," I flustered.

He held my hand to make sure I didn't slip while getting into the car. Once I was buckled in he jogged the short distance to the other side then slid in next to me.

We rode in an almost comforting silence. I always felt anxious around him thanks to the little butterflies in my stomach, but this time we listened to music, looking out the window at the hypnotic street lights.

Every once in a while I'd glance at what Harry had on, and how he always made sure we matched. His satin, long sleeved white shirt matched mine to the tee, and he had on tight Black jeans, that had subtle rips at the knees. On his feet were some beige velvet boots and his usual accessories that topped the look off.

He looked... delicious.

"We're here darling, you know the drill. The paps shouldn't be too bad this time cause the venue is private." I nodded.

We got out and had to walk down this extended scarlet carpet. The shouts of the paparazzi behind the matching ropes were tremendously loud, and luckily they were contained by security.

Hand in hand we walked up to the security guard that controlled who came in and out. They automatically recognized us and let us in. I guess thats what happens when you're associated with Harry.

The absolutely astonishing venue took my breath away. The purple and yellowish lighting gave the whole party a laid back yet compelling vibe. There were numerous tables everywhere, a huge bar, and a wide open dance floor available to anyone willing to have some fun.

"Harry Lad! Nice to see you!" A blonde haired guy greeted Harry. He let go of my hand leaving me to stand like a lost child as he hugged the man.

After their little catch up they both turned to me.

"This is your..."

"Assistant. She's accompanying me this evening. Aliyah this is Niall, Niall this is Aliyah," He introduced us to one another.

"Nice to meet you love," he greeted. His accent similar to Harry's caught my attention. He took my hand in his placing a kiss on my knuckles.

What is with men and kissing hands?

"Nice to meet you Niall," I smiled.

"Find me an assistant as stunning as her," Niall nudged to Harry. I could tell he meant for just for Harry to hear but I caught it anyways. I squeezed my clutch harder while anxiously waiting for them to finish talking.

"No can do Niall, she's one of a kind..." the twinkle in his eyes after he said that made my knees buckle. I couldn't help the beats my heart skipped, or the way time slowed around us. I just stared with a lopsided grin.

"Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be at our table," Harry rejoined my side to rest his hand on my lower back possessively. Smirking to myself I let him guide us to our table for the night.

I still had no idea who's birthday it was, or who these people were that we were sitting with, but I couldn't complain. The waiter brought us complimentary bottles of Don Perignon Rose, and I was the first to pour myself a glass.

"I can see where this nights heading..." Harry whispered to me, sipping slowly on his dark liquor.

"Relax. I can handle myself this time," I lied straight through my teeth. I already felt a bit lightheaded off of one glass since the liquor was so potent. But I wanted to prove him wrong.

The night moved along. Harry would get up every once in a while to talk to people, and I would stay at the table drinking more wine. I finally figured out who's birthday it was. Apparently  one of Harrys model friends. Once we gave the celebratory toast and all ate, everyone gradually moved to the spacious dance floor.

Harry finally came back from mixing and mingling and I was definitely tipsy. Probably on the edge of drunk. I grabbed his hand and wobbled at first as I rose to my feet.

"Let's dance," I demanded as I began tugging him to the floor.

"Dancing's not my thing," He gave me a serious face.

"Not mine either, but it'll be fun. Come on, loosen up," I tried to convince. Harry only shook his head again, and since he's undoubtedly stronger than me he tugged us right back to the table.

"No, Aliyah," he denied again firmly.

"Harry, please... pleaseeee... I promise it'll be funnnnn..." I pouted, resting my hand on his chest to give my best pout. I probably looked like a sick puppy instead of a cute one but thankfully too intoxicated to care.

He stared me deep into my glossy eyes. His own eyes flickered with emotions before he finally sighed and gave in.


"Ahhh yayyy!" I yelled over the music. Other table guests glanced at us but I didn't care. I took Harry's hand in mine again and dragged him to the dance floor.

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