|14. Big brothers|

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When I got home from work I smiled thankfully to myself to see Liz and most of the other girls gone. Smoky Clouds buried over the bright dat, and rain was going to soon follow, enduring me with a nice sleep.

While showering off all of my dried tears I shed some new ones. I washed the foolish runny make up off, and rinsed my hair free of gel.

Once done I headed back to my room, got dressed, and laid in my bed with some relaxing music playing off of my laptop. I was deeply invested in my thoughts. They were consuming my brain making this perfect time for a nap difficult, so I decided to FaceTime my big brother Trey.

I thought he wouldn't pick up but at the second to last ring he finally did, causing a big smile to spread across my face.

"Hey liyah, sorry it took me so long I lost my phone in the sheets. We just got back from Jamaica so we're unpacking."

I didn't even know him and my sister in-law Jen went on a vacation since neither of them had posted about it. A usual thing the two do when seeing new places.

"I didn't know Jes was allowed to travel, let alone you two going on a lil baecation," I winked with a chuckle.

Trey had recently updated us that Jennifer (his wife) is nearing 7 months in her pregnancy, but already looked ready to pop.

"The doc said she had a couple of  more weeks before she had to stop, and I know she'll miss traveling so I surprised her with a quick trip."

"Aww, that's sweet. Did you guys enjoy your trip?"

"Oh hell yeah, grabbed a couple of trinkets for the nursery too," he beamed. I smiled as I became overly excited to meet my nephew.

"Aww, that's so cute," I said as I placed my hand over my heart.

"Anyways, what's up with you? Surprised you called me," he joked. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Whatever, I check on you knuckle heads. I was just calling because, well, I'm a bit lonely. I miss you ass wipes I call brothers, and Thanksgiving is taking too long to get here," I sighed heavily.

He acted all heart warmed at my words because it was just the beginning of October. Which explains all of the rain and cold fronts.

"That's sweet little sis, but I can see it on your face... somethings up," Trey had caught me. Why must I be so easy to read, damnit?

I sighed and picked at my nails. My breath blew a loose curl from out of my face as I looked to my brother.

"It's my job, well, specifically my boss-"

"Harry? Haven't seen him since we were teenagers."

Trey and Harry looked around the same age, but I didn't care enough about the topic to check.

Besides, Harry's age only reminds me even more of how he wants a grown woman. Like that Lexi girl..

"Oh... well has he always been rude?" I sassed.

"Rude? He's a pretty charming guy, well, from a lady's perspective. I'm surprised I'm not on your ass right now for finding him attractive."

"As if," I gagged.

"He's so- so shitty!" I yelled frustrated. Trey gasped and and so does Jen. Who I didn't realized was eavesdropping.

"Sorry for my language guys," they laughed. In popped Jen with both of her hands on either side her round growing belly. 

"Hope you won't cuss this much around the baby, he can hear you, you know," She was obviously somewhat joking so I just shrugged.

"I'll be a great aunt don't you worry," I assured.

"I know it baby. Anyways, I'm gonna leave this mess for Trey and take a nap. My feet feel like water balloons about to pop."

Her uncomfortable pregnancy details made me wince. We exchanged goodbyes so she could get her rest.

"Wait, if she's going to sleep why doesn't she just hop in bed? You guys are in the bedroom..." I asked confused.

"Ever since mom sent her this stupid hammock she never wants to get out of it. I can barely get her to share our bed now, and we're married for crying out loud!" I laughed because I do remember Jen dedicating her 'man crush Monday' to that hammock on Instagram. It was quite humorous.

"Besides that, back to Harry. What did he do to my little sis? Do I need to whoop his ass?"


"No," I lied. I wanted to get the pleasure of doing it myself when I quit.

"I just want you to help me drop hints to mom and dad that I definitely will be quitting when I finish this dumb project," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right. Dad will just give you that 'finish what you started' speech. It never fails you know," he reminded me of what I already knew.

"You're right,but I like the things I'm learning from it...just not him. That man is a certified psychopath."

"Well what did he even do to make you say all of this?" Trey chuckled.

I looked away in thought. I couldn't tell him, it'd just be a waste of time. This whole call might've been actually..

"Nothing important just, I don't know. I just needed someone to talk to," I sighed. Trey sighed as well.

"Well, all I have to say is I can see feelings when I spot them. I don't know what you and Harry have going on at work, but you need to decide now if you want to keep that professional setting, cause once you cross that line Aliyah? Hell is waiting behind that door. Mixing business and pleasure rarely turns out right.." I bit the inside of my lip and nodded.

"You always manage to read my mind..." I sighed.

"Just me being the wise man," he bragged.

"Well, thanks Trey, love you and I'll keep you posted."

"Love you too Liyah, but seriously if I have to whoop his ass I will."

We laughed and said our goodbyes. My music plays again once he hangs up and I feel more relaxed, just glad that I could get some stuff off of my mind and not sound crazy.

Even though this whole week had been utter hell, I knew I had to be prepared to for work again Monday. I had to persevere through this hellish job and try to finish better than how I started.

A/n; for any of you that have read this far I'm so happy. This is the first book where everything just flows and takes its time and isn't like every other fanfic where in the first chapter someone's already on their knees. Wow that was a fat run on sentence.

Anyways I love you all and I promise I'll try and make the smut worth the wait. Sorry for such a bipolar Harry in all my characters, but this wouldn't be a typical ceo book w/o a little hard to get;)

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