|28. Best friends|

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After the shoot Harry and I had lunch. He took me to one of his favorite little health spots. They had the best smoothies and wraps I've had since I moved to NY, and it was nice to eat something besides a typical steak dish

He informed me that I'd be joining him for a party this Friday. It's for one of his closest colleagues that are finally launching their new fashion line. He said he couldn't miss it and wouldn't dare go alone, so who am I to say no?

"You know, all these dinners and parties are pretty exhausting," I said while finishing my wrap.

"It's called being famous," Harry winked.

"I'm not famous, you are."

"Oh nonsense, have you seen yourself on twitter lately? On the news, tabloids... anything?" He raised a brow.

"I don't check social media like that and don't care for others opinions. Who cares what they say? They're probably just mad they can't be in my shoes. As long as we know what happens between us then that's all that matters," I semi preached but Harry looked fascinated.
He even sat back in his chair, looking so caught up in my words.

"Aliyah, you are by far one the most intellectually stimulating woman I have ever met," he said in awe. My cheeks heated up as I shook my head.

"It's just my view on it.." I blushed.

We finished up our meeting and Harry and Gordon took me back to the dorms. After a fairly decent day with Harry I couldn't help myself, and gave him a gentle kiss goodbye. Harry smirked into the kiss and of course wanted to escalate it, but I stopped him just before he could and finally exited the vehicle.

I caught some stares from the girls walking around. A few even tried to peak in the car for a glance at Harry. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

"Does he fuck good?" I heard some girl ask behind me. I froze, shocked that she even had the nerve to say that. When I turned around I got giggles and stares from every other girl that stopped to be nosy.

I saw the look of amusement on her face. I took in a breath and turned back around, determined to not give the bitch the time of day.

"I know you heard me slut!" She yelled from behind me. I tried to keep my cool but she kept egging on.

"What a fucking whore. I bet you're a gold digger since all you sleep with is famous men."

Everyone around us did nothing but laugh like childish school girls. I had no clue why this girl was verbally attacking me. I had never seen her before a day in my life! No one tried to help or stand up for me either. I wanted to keep walking and be the bigger person but I felt like something needed to be said.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself Brittany, or have the frat boys already done that enough?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned around and saw Liz flicking her off as she walked up to me.

"Oh please Elizabeth. Having your best friend stand up for you Aliyah? Pathetic," The girl I've come to find out is Brittany spat.

"I don't need her to do anything for me, but I do need you to learn how to mind your own goddamn business. Oh, and watch how you speak to a person while you're at it- because if you come at me sideways like this again? I won't be too nice about it the second time," I sneered.

I grabbed Liz's hand and dragged her with me as she chuckled in amusement. Everyone else around us did as well.

Bullying is so morally wrong to me and never sat right in my book. If fans of Harry acted this hateful and jealous towards me in real life, who knows what they're saying through a device online. I believed we were all too grown to be doing and saying things like that, especially when we need to band together.

We kept going all the way to the elevators where I was grateful for no one else getting in.

"Liz, thank you so much," I sighed. Glad that I was finally out of that stressful situation.

"I may have been mad at you, but I'm not a total asshole. Besides, I see you and Mr. hottie have been getting closer since I pushed you away. I want my best friend back."

"You never lost me babe," I smiled and wrapped my arms around her.

As we exited the elevator I felt like all my stress was left in there. Liz isn't mad at me any longer, things were finally flowing naturally with Harry, and Emanuel seemed to be off of my back.

I just hoped things could stay like this from now on. So I could focus on myself, and the people that mattered in my life.

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