|21. Never question. Just enjoy.|

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I finally had the balls to call Emanuel back. We caught up, he asked if I was doing alright, and that we won't see each other for a while because he had a business trip in Rome. He asked if I wanted to join him but I couldn't. It's betrayal to my own company that I work for and especially to Harry, and I wasn't ready to be with Emanuel alone for that long yet.

Every day since that incident, Harry seemed to be getting nicer and nicer. He complimented me every morning on what I chose to wear for the day, isn't as rude when I make a mistake, and actually let's me tag along with him to a few meetings.

"So how's it going?" I chatted on the phone with Manny. It was around evening time there and he was on the way to this huge dinner party.

"Well it'd be better if you were my assistant. Harry's really got it good. The one I have now is too chatty. She acts more like the boss than me," he commented with disgust. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'm sure I'd be no better," I lied.

"Lies, just looking at you would make my work day breeze by," I blushed.

He's too sweet for his own good.

"Emanuel..." I warned playfully.

"I wish-" my work phone ringing of course cut me off.

That's what you get for not doing the damn paperwork.

"One second Manny,- hello?"

"My office please," Harry hung up per usual after.

"I'm guessing he's calling," manny sighed.

"Yeah... I'm sorry," I apologized.

"You're perfectly fine. I'm pulling up to the venue anyways. I'll talk to you later beautiful."

"Goodbye Manny," I smiled.

We ended the call and I sat my phone down to hastily make my way to Harry's office.

"Hello," I greeted.

As soon I entered the office I felt a thick tension surround us. It only felt like this when Harry is mad/upset with me, something I hadn't experienced from him in a while.

"Have a seat," He demanded.

I gulped but sat down nonetheless. As soon as I took a seat he stood up, doing that infamous walk around his desk that made the blood in my body run cold. Every second it took him felt like a year with my anxiety.

"You know I can hear when you're on your private phone, right?" My mouth ran dry as I snapped my head towards him.

"I um- how-"

"You're on the phone instead of doing work," Harry crossed his arms. The fabric of the white button up gripped his muscles prominently.

His thick suit jacket hung over the back of his chair, and his sleeves were three quarters rolled up. The natural beauty he emitted even when angry made it so difficult to do anything, so I stayed glued to my seat.

"Mr. Styles I apologize-" I tried to make up for the issue even though it was technically his fault for snooping, but he wasn't having it.

"I know you do, but words don't compare to actions darling."

He waltzed over to stand right in front of me. Since I was sitting my face fell just in front of his waistline. I gulped again looking up to distract myself from the fact that his crotch was right in front of my face.

Harry gently grabbed my chin, tilting it up some more so we could lock eyes.

"Do you promise to stay off of your phone from now on?"

"Y-Yes sir," I shuttered.

His piercing green eyes always had me in a daze. He never failed to capture me. No matter how badly I wanted to go against him I couldn't. Especially when he played the nice guy role.

"Good girl," He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on both corners of my lips. The areas tingled as my lips went numb with out him actually kissing me.

"You've always been a good girl, haven't you?" He rasped in my ear, hand slithering to my neck as he slowly trailed kisses down it.

"Y-Yes..." I moaned. I couldn't help it. He always found my sweet spot that made me quiver.

"That's what I like to hear."

I thought he'd continue his little attack on my neck but he pulled away. I whimpered quietly, already missing his kisses.


"You know you have another task darling. I need you by my side once again tomorrow night. I have a birthday dinner party to attend for a close friend."

"But that's not business related sir..." I was afraid to say it but figured since we've been doing well all week I might as well test the waters some more.

"Yes, but I don't want to show up alone. I'd look ridiculous. Be ready by nine. A little later this time because I don't plan on attending it all night. Just enough to show my face, and I'll take you back home. The routine." While Harry went over the details I sat quietly deep in thought.

I couldn't help myself from wondering what happened to that Lexi girl. She hadn't been around lately, and it was kind of worrying me at how good things were going between Harry and I. 

I decided to just enjoy it and not question the subject. Especially after what happened the last time I did.

"You may clock out early. See you tomorrow Aliyah."

I smiled to myself.

This had to be a dream.

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