|12. 'Sick' day|

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The Hangover I woke up with kicked me unbelievably hard. Luckily last night when I snuck in Liz was sound asleep, and I made it in just a few minutes before all doors locked. Not only that, but when I woke up she was still sound asleep.

I tried my best not to wake her up but my head was pounding and nausea took over by the second.

"Fuuuckkkk meee," I groaned into my pillow as I held my head in my hands.

My stupid snooze alarm went off again and I was about to turn it off, but it did on its own when my phone died. I was still in last nights dress, my hair in a tangled frenzy, and certain my make up was smeared everywhere.

I slowly tried getting out of bed but ended up stumbling over my own feet. My balance wasn't very good so I had to catch myself against my nightstand. I took a deep breath and kept tripping over to my desk drawer where I rummaged through it. With thankful wishing my hands grasped the lost pill bottle and popped two into my palm. I swiped the bottle of water off of my nightstand about to pop the pills when Liz's grumbling stopped me.

"Stop it you dumb ass, you're about to pop pills on an empty stomach. Go shower and you can take them when you come back," She demanded.

She rubbed her tired eyes and combed her fingers through her messy locks. I gave her a grateful look, picked up my robe and shower catty, and did as told.

Once in the showers I secretly jumped for joy that no one else was in there at the early hours. I stripped down to nothing and stood under the steaming water. I let it run down my body, being mindful of the bun on my head.

While sitting under the water I thought back to Last night. It was definitely a mistake getting drunk, and an even bigger mistake letting my boss touch me inappropriately.

But you liked it.

My stupid conscience never failed in making me feel like shit.


I did like it though. Hell, I loved it. But so would any other girl. They would kill to be in the position that I would do anything to take back. Maybe even pay for that moment.

My thoughts were taking over rapidly and the water began running lukewarm. Quickly scrubbing the make up off my face and sins from the rest of my body I shut the water off. Then exited the stall with my things.

I almost dropped my shower catty and clothes at the sight of myself in front of the mirror. I had three deep bruises running along the side of my neck.

"Holy shit..." I mumbled as I ran my fingers over the tender skin.

They were hickeys.

Something I've never had, and the first person to give me them was no other than Harry fucking Styles.

I'm sure more than a minute had passed of me just staring at myself in disbelief. When a girl entered the bathroom I quickly released my bun and let my curls surround my neck, instantly covering the love marks.

I brushed my teeth quickly and grabbed my things to head back down the hall. After I unlocked the door I hastily closed it behind me and rested against it, letting out a deep breath as if I had been chased.

"Here," Liz said handing me a sandwich.

She must have been saving it from yesterday so she'd have something to eat some time today. I looked at her confused, but gratefully took it.

"It's enough for your stomach to handle those pills. I know your head is probs pounding."

You got that right.

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