|17. Bitter sweet|

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Work snuck up on me again as well as all of the pictures and articles about me. I decided to take everything off of my Instagram and change my @. I didn't want to be bothered with the crazy fans that were finding me as the days went by. I knew the numbers would only increase. Especially with Manny scheduling another date for Thursday evening.

"Sounds great," I smiled as we finished up our phone call. I had called him because on my desk at work waiting for me was a very delicious edible arrangement, thanking me for our first 'date'. It left me with no choice but to call and schedule the second one.

"You didn't have to do this," I smiled.

I picked out a chocolate coated strawberry and popped it into my mouth, taking in the rich goodness.

"Of course I had to-"The echoing of my work phone ringing interrupted him.

"Guess that's your cue, I'll talk to you later beautiful."

"Goodbye Emanuel," I smiled. We ended the call and I picked up the phone just before it stopped ringing.

"My office. Now." Harry's voice for some reason still startled me. I realized how little this unbelievably rude man had been on my mind lately. Hell, I would've forgot about him if I didn't work for him.

Harry told me to come in and I did as told. He was standing arms crossed by his desk, looking over the city through the enormous windows.

"Have a seat."

I followed directions again since he didn't seem to be in a violent mood, and I didn't have the energy to disobey. I took a seat and waited for him to speak.

"You're off of those tasks, I need you to start assisting me at dinners and meetings again," he said firmly.

I gulped remembering last time that happened.

"Um sir are, are you sure?" I hesitantly asked.

"I make the decisions. I'm more than sure. Thursday at seven is when I need you to be ready."

My lips parted as I shook my head since that's my night with Manny.

"Um, Mr. styles can I start going around with you next week I'm kind of busy that n-"

"Busy? You're going against my orders because you're busy? With what, Aliyah?" He crossed his arms sitting right in front of me, perched on that stupid desk as always. It's like he knew what I was up to but taunted me anyways to get a kick out of it.

"I um, I have a date..." it wasn't any of his business, but something compelled me to tell him.

It was probably that stupid stare of his.

"A date? Is that so?" I watched his face change into a number of emotions as he looked away. I  nodded and cleared my throat awkwardly in response.

"Is it with one of my colleagues, Emanuel?" I crossed my legs and looked away. It wasn't any of his business, but that stupid 'something' in my head also told me he knew the answer. I could hear it in his tone.

"Answer me damnit."

I watched his knuckles turn white as he gripped the desk so hard I'm sure the wood would split any second now.

"Y-Yes..." I almost felt guilty admitting it.

"What the hell is it you see in him?" I could tell he meant for that to be only for him to hear, but I heard it anyways.

"Excuse m-"

"I don't care what you do with your date, but you're mine on Thursday night and that's final. Same routine as usual. Be on time this week."

"Yes sir," I was upset but more eager to get to my phone and see if Manny could reschedule.

"Get out," Harry spat.

He of course had to add something rude to put the icing on the cake.

I got up and left his office to quickly scurry back to mine. I hastily dialed manny up, then tucked the fruit away in the mini fridge while waiting for him to pick up. On the last ring his voice finally came through.


"Hi Emanuel, sorry to call you back so soon. I was just wondering if we could reschedule on Thursday..." I felt so bad already.

"I wish I could darling but unfortunately I'm booked up all week. How about we just meet for lunch today. I don't have any meetings around that time so just send me a location and I'll meet you," he said gratefully. I smiled sweetly. He truly was kindhearted and sweet, it made me forget all about Satan down the hall.

We agreed on a restaurant in the middle. I already tried to tell him I'll pay but he said never in my life will I have to spend a dime around him. Money wasn't scarce with me. My parents still sent me allowance that I hardly touched, and now on top of that sat a paycheck.

The thought was sweet though, and I figured I might as well give up now.

The day went by smoothly. I enjoyed my lunch date with Manny where we dug even deeper into each other's lives. He continued to show me how much of a great guy he is, and even though I didn't want to admit to it... I was starting to like him.

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