•|13. Hmph|

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I arrived at work bright and early the next day. It was Friday meaning it's now been two days since the incident with Harry. I sat in my car in the parking garage just waiting. I had ten minutes before I had to clock in and it'd take half of that just to get into the building.

"Shit..." I sighed to myself.

I grabbed my work bag, his jacket, and my morning smoothie before exiting my car. I struggled to lock it with full hands but when I heard the beep I sighed in relief.

Entering the daunting building embedded an anxious feeling in my stomach. Today I wore a skin tight black romper and a cropped jean jacket with black wedges. My hair was slicked back into a neat bun. I had fully recovered from that rough hangover but still not mentally prepared.

I entered my office and sat everything down. I clocked in right on time and as soon as I did my work phone rang. The blare startled me as I jumped but picked it up.

"My office, please," Harry's husky voice demanded.

I hadn't heard his voice in two days, so for that to be the first thing he says to me scared the ever living shit out of my body.

"Yes s-" He didn't let me finish. Just hung up.

"What a Dick," I mumbled.

I grabbed his jacket and tucked it under my arm before hastily shuffling to his office. I tried to make the stupid jacket less noticeable but it was just so big. It caught the front desk lady's attention, but she thankfully went back to minding her business soon after.

"Come in," he ordered.

I didn't even try knocking. I knew better by now.

Carefully closing the door behind me I took my time walking to his desk. He watched my every move making me even more nervous.

"I um, believe this belongs to you," I said awkwardly.

I gently laid the jacket over one of the chairs as he continued to look at me. Whenever he stared down at me it felt like my skin was on fire. Even with a stolid face his eyes said many things. Things that I was too fearful to decipher.

"Have a seat, Aliyah."

I did as told. I took my seat and crossed my legs, then wiped my clammy hands on my thighs.

"Did you enjoy your sick day?" He asked.

That dumb smirk took its usual place on his plump lips. Lips that worked wonders apparently.

"Yes sir," I answered.

Despite the 'friendliness' we showed to each other the other night, that didn't change how we act in a work setting.

"Hope your hang over wasn't too bad, because your punishment will be worse."

I snapped my head up in shock with my mouth ajar.

"Getting drunk in front of my colleagues was unbelievably bad on your end. Although I must say, you are way more fun when under the influence...but not in that setting."

I kept looking at him as my anger increased. His words weren't even registering in my mind. He just couldn't be fucking serious.

"You will be back on those little day by day errands until I think you're ready for another dinner, or any event for that matter," he continued his hellish wrath.

Tears were threatening to spill over but the last thing I wanted to do is cry in front of him... again.

"That's - that's not fair," I flat out said.

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