|37. Second home|

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The snow crunching beneath my feet was music to my ears. Our jet had landed safely and the ride up to the mountains was breathtaking. The area has always been like a second home. Nothing but content coarsed though me as I trudged through the thick piles of snow.

It's no surprise that we have the biggest lodge up on the mountains. My dad designed half of the equipment used to get up there. Including the snow mobiles released last year.

I knocked at the front door waiting impatiently. I was shaking in my boots to see who would open it first, and to my surprise it was my mom.

"Mom!" I yelled, throwing my arms around her we embraced in a long overdue hug.

She managed to close the door behind me so I could finally be in the warmth of indoors.

"Aliyah!" All of my brothers yelled as they ran down the stair case together. It brought back so many memories from past holidays we spent together as kids.

"Bout time my baby girl get home," my dad's soothing voice said as he rounded the corner. All of my family greeting me at once got overwhelming, and for some reason I started tearing up again.

"Are you crying?" Justin noticed first.

"Maybe," I sniffled. They all laughed and we finally dispersed from the group hug.

"I missed you guys so much," I said truthfully.

"Well we missed you more honey. What took you so long to get here? Was jimmy late to the airport?" Jimmy is one of our private pilots for one of the jets.

"No no, I was late. I had some.. work issues." I sighed.

Everyone gave me a look begging me to explain, but I was relived when in wobbled my pregnant sister-in-law.

"Jen!" I yelled. Pushing past my brothers I gave her the best hug I could but her bulging stomach said otherwise.

"Don't mind him. He'll be moving out soon," She dismissed while referring to her pregnant belly. It made me want to cry even more that I missed the gender reveal party, but the pictures made up for it.

"But you're so much cuter when pregnant baby," trey complimented as he kissed her forehead. I smiled at the affection between the two.

"Yeah yeah, tell that to my swollen ankles and feet. Also, do you guys have any chips and peanut butter? I'm starving," we all giggled as she wandered off into the kitchen to satisfy her pregnancy cravings.

"Mark I can't figure out how to- Aliyah!" Tracy came in last, rushing towards me with open arms. I smiled hugging her back.

By now my mom and dad had vanished into the kitchen with Jen.

"You look so good I've missed you so much!" I smiled while complimenting her. My sister in laws were the sisters/besties I never had- besides liz of course.

"Justin, is Rose gonna come running from around the corner too?" I asked.

Most of the family was here besides my grandparents. They were flying in tomorrow afternoon.

"See about that-" he started by scratching his head until Mark cut him off.

"She dumped his ass for a Coke boy."

Justin immediately made a b-line for Mark and the two scurried off like children to the man cave my dad built in the basement. As if his one at home wasn't enough.

"Ugh, the boys have been down there all night. So me, your mom, and Jen have been in the attic in your mom's girl's lounge watching movies while binging on food and wine. Well, except Jen. She's like obsessed with apple juice." I giggled at Tracy.

"I'd love to join that," I smiled.

"Fuck you dude!" I heard Justin yell from downstairs. Then the faint sound of something shattering.

"I should probably go check on those jackasses," Trey sighed before jogging down to the chaos.

"I'm gonna go make sure they don't mess up my new plasma," my dad followed after, but stopped to peck my forehead first.

"Glad you're here honey," he smiled warmly before following after my brother.

I chuckled and nodded. My mom and Jennifer came around the corner with more snacks. Jen had her bag of lays in one hand, and peanut butter in the other. My mom was holding two bottles of wine, and Tracy now had a huge bowl of popcorn.

"We'll be in the attic honey. You go settle in and put your things up. We ain't going no where," my mom reassured. I nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then watched the three disappear.

I sighed to myself and took in the scent of wood mixed with cinnamon. I finally felt at ease after the past stressful 72 hours. The weight of Harry was off of my shoulders, and I was definitely going to take advantage of this week to enjoy myself.

I deserved it.

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