|16. A gentleman|

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"So this is your boss?" Liz drooled over a picture of Harry as we strolled through the mall. He was plastered across the Gucci store windows, and even though he's an asshole, he sure knew how to model.

"Don't like that ass wipe."

Liz swatted me for talking bad about him so I swung my bags back at her. We were on our way to the food court when I heard a familiar voice call after me.

"Aliyah, Wait up!" I scrunched my eyebrows and hesitantly turned on my heel. Meanwhile Liz had already turned her entire body around.

There jogging up to me was Emanuel. He had on black everything to go with his already mysterious demeanor. I considered him to be a very attractive man so the black just made him even more intimidating. If I hadn't recently met him I would've be running away from him by now.

"Nice to see you again," he smiled, opening his arms up for a hug. I hugged back with a confused look on my face even though I was flattered, and politely greeted him back. There were two tall even more buff men behind him with their arms crossed staring back at me.

"Oh don't mind them. They're just my security," he reassured when we pulled away from our hug.

"Oh..." I chuckled somewhat relived.

"Security? You'd think a man like you wouldn't need any," Liz said in awe. We both laughed at her because this woman truly had no filter.

"I usually don't but you never know. The world is a scary place... but anyways, do you mind if we- I don't know..head to the food court and have lunch together?" he asked slyly.

I was shocked at how bold he was. This man was technically already asking me on a date and I practically just met him.

"Oh, Emanuel, I'd um, I'd love to but I'm here with my friend-"

"Oh don't let me stop you! Matter of fact I'm not even hungry. V. S. is having a sale so I think I'll go spend my time in there," Liz was trying to help me, when she was just secretly making it worse.

I wasn't ready to go on a date with this guy at all. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to even talk to him right now.

"Oh no Liz, that'd be so rude of me-"

"Trust me Liyah, it's fine," She smiled at me. That left me with no choice but to plaster a grateful smile back when really I wanted to choke slam her.

"Wonderful. Thank you for lending me your friend. We won't be long," Manny wrapped his arm around mine as we parted from Liz and his security trailed behind.

"You're so tense, relax beautiful."

I could tell he was trying to calm me down but it was hard. I mean, I technically am walking with a stranger. Not only that, but I could hear camera clicks from various places but couldn't see where they were coming from. They sounded out every ten seconds from different areas. It had to be paparazzi which meant it was going to be hell on earth at work when Harry sees...

"Sorry it's just, I haven't been on a date in a while," I lied.

"Well don't consider this a date. Just think of it as a... a um... just two people eating together," He smiled down at me and I finally decided to just relax and breathe. The more I enjoyed this the quicker I could get away from him.

Manny ordered our food while I searched for a table in the busy food court. I tried to give him money to pay, but after arguing for five minutes straight in the food court about it he won. My stomach was beginning to growl at the smell of all the food options around us as I grew hungrier, so I let him win for my stomachs sake. While sitting at my table I looked over to manny and see some women talking to him. It didn't really bother me but it did catch my attention. He took a picture with the girls, grabbed our food, then walked over to me.

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