|33. Shots|

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"I wonder if he ever gets tired of going to these stupid parties," I groaned while fixing the hoop in my ear. Liz was right behind me in the single mirror of our dorm room. She fixated the fabric of my dress so it fit perfectly.

"Yeah yeah, at least you have the opportunity to go out," She sighed.

"Next time I'm not going if you're not. I hate leaving you in this prison Liz," I pouted as I turned to her and squeezed her in a hug.

"It's fine, honestly. Besides... I'm thinking about spending most of my time with Josh anyways."

"Oh? So you two have really hit it off, huh?" I asked in shock.

"Yeah... he's actually really sweet..." she blushed while crossing her fingers. I wanted to press further but the honking outside was my cue.

"Well I promise we'll talk about it when I get back. See you later babe, bye!" I gave a gentle hug and peck before running out.

Once downstairs it was the same routine of Harry greeting me with dark eyes. That look that put puddles in my panties and a buckle around my knees. The stare that was so intense it practically radiated sexual tension.

"Someone's thirsty..." I said to myself as I slid in. He heard my comment and smacked my ass before closing the door behind me.

These past few weeks had been opening my eyes on Harry. He  actually had quite the personality that I felt like I've only scratched the surface of. I thought he was going to be a dick-head all of the time, when in reality he was a baby in a very grown mans body. Like children, they both misbehave until handled with care.

"You're something else darling," He rasped.

His arm was flung around my shoulders as I leaned into him. We rode in comforting silence. I always felt content in his hold, and his amazing scent only intensified it. By the time we arrived I felt more ready for bed than a party.

"Come on love," Harry had already circled around the car to grasp my hand in his. I smiled to him, cameras catching every second that went by.

Paparazzi caught almost every fiber of a person's being on camera, so walking out less than perfect is like social suicide.

"I will never get use to this," I commented loud enough for Harry to hear as he led us down the carpet.

"You handle it like a pro, Angel," he winked to me. I blushed and continued walking until we were in the safety of the party.

I felt the weight jump off of my shoulders as I finally took a breath. There were assigned tables at this party, kind of like the last one. Harry and I were the first to arrive to our table so the two of us sat at the circular surface awaiting the arrival of our other guests.

"What's this dinner party thing even for?" I asked. I tried not to pout tonight but I could tell I was and Harry found it amusing.

"For a fellow colleague. We can leave as soon as we're done eating if you'd like?" I noticed lately Harry trying to be more of a gentleman to me, and even though he isn't use to it he still did a damn good job.

"We can leave whenever you want. I don't want you to feel like you have to baby sit me," I admitted.

"It doesn't feel like that at all Aliyah and you know that..." we were going to dive deeper into our conversation when two familiar people waltzed up to our table.

To our dismay Lexi and Emanuel stood in front of us.

Harry and I both went still looking at the pair arm and arm. My mouth ran dry at the sight. Not only did I ghost Manny, but Harry's ex that I threw a temper tantrum over were now here before us.

"Good evening you two," Emanuel smiled. He took a seat next to me, Lexi on the other side of him. I was waiting for the last pair of guest to show up any time now.

Specifically now would be perfect.

"Hello, Emanuel." Harry firmly greeted. His voice sounded calm while mine was still hitched in my throat. I quickly went looking for my glass of water.

"Lovely to see you, Aliyah," he smiled, making me even more uncomfortable.

One thing I always found odd about Emanuel is his consistent good mood. It was almost eerily weird. I sucked it up and smiled back though, then downed quick gulps of water.

"Hi Aliyah, I don't think we've met before," Lexi slithered in. She placed her arm in front of Emanuel's chest, reaching out for my hand. I didn't want to shake hers at all. I didn't even want to look at her, but like the polite person I am I greeted her anyways.

"Oh, hi," I smiled awkwardly. I placed my hand in hers and she gave me a firm handshake. So rough if my eyes were closed I'd assume a man was on the other end.

"Uh, well I'm going to go grab a couple of drinks from the bar, would you all like anything?" Harry chimed in.

"I'll come with you, to help, of course," I needed to make my escape as well. To at least breathe.

"Oh no, you two ladies sit. I'll go with Harry. Anything you want, Lexi?" Emanuel stood, giving Lexi a smile as he waited on her answer.

While the two looked down at each other creepily I grabbed Harry's arm. I roughly pulled him down to my ear causing him to grunt.

"Bring back some vodka, will you?"

"That's a bit strong don't you think?" Harry chuckled.

"I'm gonna need it if I have to sit through this." Harry let out another breathy chuckle before walking away with Emanuel while subtly fixing his outfit. Leaving Lexi and I to sit awkwardly at the table.

Just as the two got out of sight, Lexi took manny's seat next to me.

"Sooo, whats up with you and Harry?" She asked. It caught me completely off guard. Usually a persons ex doesn't ask something so blunt.

"Uh, excuse me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Sorry, I mean like you two look like you are hitting it off well. You know, you being his assistant and all, he's usually not friendly to his workers," she giggled. I tried to laugh along but it came out forced and hushed.

"Well, Uh, I just wanted to clear the air between us."

I scrunched my brows at her. What was this psycho getting to?

"Oh, you know, for the last party. I don't know what happened but I did see you and Harry storm off. I hope it wasn't because of me."

Little did she fucking know.

"Besides, me being all over him wouldn't bother you, right? He is your boss... and older than you... and, let's be honest, are you two even together?" Her words left my mouth ajar. With a face full of mischief Lexi scooted back to her rightful seat. I was still so frozen in her words that I barely noticed Harry setting the glass in front of me.

Grabbing the glass of reeking alcohol I downed it all in less than a minute. The taste burned my throat and ignited every nerve. I shook my head and let out a burning groan.

"Wooo!" Surrounding tables cheered on. Harry raised his eyebrows at me in confusion but impressed as well.

"This is going to be a long night..." I mumbled to myself.

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