-|31. Thoughts|

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It had been about three days since my night with Harry. Every time I saw him at work my face would sizzle with heat, and I'd blush a faint red. A part of me still couldn't believe he touched such a sacred part of my body, and did a damn good job at it too.

Im still abstinent with little experience. All of my ex boyfriends/flings were worthy of oral, and so was I, but never past that. Id always end up single because I finally saw right through their facade. The one that they put up so they could use me for money or clout.

This time though, whether Harry and I were together or not, I knew for a fact he wasn't using me for money. Or my family's fame. He had his own and genuinely saw me as someone he desired, and had no problem getting it either.

I felt like things were fine for the most part between Harry and I, but around us... not so much. I finally forced myself to check those stupid tabloids, and my name had been spreading like wildfire. Word was getting around that Harry and I were a thing (which isn't true) and that sparked a whole chaotic frenzy online.

His crazy fan girls found all of my social media, and my followers shot through the roof. I ignored all the hate, hell even the good. Matter of fact, I didn't even check social media much unless I had to. I deleted the Snapchat app but not my account, so I had no clue how many adds were sitting on there.

Not only that, but Liz was on my back again. She still asked about my outings with Harry every time I came back. I loved her to death, but there were just some things I didn't feel comfortable saying out loud.

I ended up lying to her every time. Saying something along the lines that we were both too shit-faced drunk and crashed as soon as we got to his place. She somehow bought it even though I knew she wouldn't for much longer.

My life was getting hectic again quick all because of the man before me. Harry was sitting at his desk eyeing me as I organized his paper work. I usually took care of it in my office but Harry claimed he was 'craving company', and insisted on me organizing with him.

"All done, sir," I said, handing him the stack. He nodded his head toward the 'important' filing cabinet that was next to him, unlocking it in the process. I sighed and got up to walk around the desk and crouch down to my knees.

"Can you move this thing?" I complained as I began tucking the files away neatly. I could hear him let out a breathy chuckle at my discomfort.

"It's a good spot," he cheekily teased back. I shook my head in disagreement.

While continuing to put away the files, I noticed how close Harry's legs were to me. He was looking down at me while playing with a pen in one hand, the other freely toying with his rings.

My mind ran away on dangerous thoughts. If he turned just a hair more his legs would be wide open to me. Giving me access to an area I haven't felt in a long time.

"You always have something on that mind of yours..." he trailed off. Eyes focused solely on me as I tucked away the last file. I sighed and locked it back up. Then stuck my hand out to give him the keys back.

Harry turned in his chair so I could be in between his legs while still on my knees. My face heated up as I tried to look him in the eye but it got challenging quick. I focused on not looking at his crotch because if I did I'd never turn back, but he could tell I was struggling.

"Thank you, darling..." he smirked. My mouth went dry as I heard the jingle of the keys in my shaking hands.

"Why so nervous beautiful?" He teased while leaned back, his legs even wider now.

"I uh, nothing... am I dismissed?" I needed to get out of there so I could breathe and think straight.

"After you tell me what's on your mind Aliyah, then you're free to leave," He smirked. I bit my lip and shook my head no.

If you tell him then you might as well start digging your grave as well. With a tombstone that says "death by embarrassment".

"Then you can sit here On your knees- All day. Until your shift ends. No lunch, just you by my side all. Damn. Day." Harry said without stuttering.

My jaw dropped as I blinked in disbelief at him.

"You can't be serious-"

"Try and stand and I'll show you just how serious I am," He scolded back. Nothing but dominance was heard in his voice as I gulped back a remark.

I knew Harry had some fucked up shit planned in his head if I even thought about standing. My knees were starting to ache and it had barely been five minutes. He knew I wouldn't win in this game against him. I didn't stand a chance- literally!

Harry turned his legs back so they were tucked back under his desk. He ignored me as if he didn't just threaten me and shuffled through some paperwork.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. How the fuck do I tell my boss I was thinking about sucking him off?

Exactly- I don't!

"Harry..." I sighed.

My plan after telling him was to book it to my office. Just dash out of the door and never look back.

"Ready now, darling?" He had that stupid evil smirk on his face. The one he always had after plotting something he knew would work.

"No... but I guess I have to be..." I sighed. He kept his head turned towards me, eyes still locked with mine as he patiently waited.

I gulped down the last bit of my saliva that I used to stall. He was still staring at me trying his hardest to stay patient, so I breathed in deeply, closed my eyes for a few seconds, then spoke.

"I um... I was thinking about s-sucking you off..." immediately I wanted to jump out of the windows next to us and freely fall the multiple stories to a pitiful death.

I tried to stand to my feet but Harry stopped me. With his legs spread open in front of me he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. I attempted speaking again but he slipped his thumb in between my parted lips. I scrunched my brows in confusion at the familiar salty taste. The last time this happened I was 'shining his shoes'.

He placed his free hand around my throat while his thumb occupied my mouth, making me completely his.

"You were thinking about my cock in your mouth?" He asked for confirmation.

When he put it like that it almost sounds filthy.

I nodded anyways since I couldn't speak.

"You were thinking about me shoving myself so far down your throat, that you can't breathe..." He embedded his dirty words deep into my mind, tightening his grip on my neck. I felt the heat in my panties spread the wetter I got.

"About the spit that'd be falling from your sexy lips, or the tears from of your innocent eyes, the way my cock suffocates you..." I couldn't help the moan I let out as I sucked his finger softly.

"Is that what you want sweet heart?" I nodded like a hungry puppy ready for a feeding. In that moment I've never wanted to suck dick so badly in my life, and for Harry I was willing to do anything.

He smirked and removed his thumb. I noticed the straining bulge in his dress pants that made my mouth water even more. He still had my throat in his grip, teasing me with the sight of him all worked up. Just when Harry was about to let me have at it a knock sounded at his door.

"Fuck!" He groaned angrily. I quickly retracted and struggled to get up. Harry fisted his hair in his hands out of sexual frustration.

"We'll pick this up when needed, let that moron in," He groaned, still eyeing me.

With a flushed face and soaked panties I let in the short man waiting. He was dressed in business attire and radiated arrogance. I politely smiled at him anyways before rushing to the bathroom to calm myself down.

Hopefully Harry's guest couldn't sense the thick sexual tension swarming his office.

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