|36. A break|

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I forced myself to return to work after such a rough start. It was my last day before I finally got to leave for thanksgiving break and couldn't be happier. I had all my things packed and planned on heading straight to the airport after work.

I was doing well with avoiding Harry for the day so far. With clock time being less than two hours away, our family group chat thrived with excitement.

While replying to my goofy brothers my work phone began ringing. I had been anticipating the call all day and to my dismay it finally came through.

"My office, please," I expected Harry to hang up but there was a quiet pause after. This time I hung up first instead.

I entered the double doors on Harry who was waiting in defeat at his desk. His features were drawn in concentration with his hands intertwined, waiting for me to take a seat.

Once I sat down it became hard for me to look at him again. It had only been a couple of hours since all of those events with Harry went down, and even though we weren't together... it almost felt like a break up.

"I'm assuming you will be with your family for thanksgiving leave..." he started. I nodded, eyes still focused on my acrylic nails. I tapped them against my thigh as I waited for our conversation to be over.

"Damn Aliyah, can you at least look at me?"

Even something as simple as that was challenging when it came to Harry. Though eventually I tilted my head up. He had his arms resting on the desk as he tilted foreword, staring me deep into my eyes.

Tears threatened to spill at any second after our 'staring contest' began. His eyes were flickering with so many emotions and I couldn't decipher a single one.

Everything started overwhelming me. The gnawing feeling at the back of my mind that I could quit after next week was always there. That these upcoming now three months with Harry have had too many ups and downs to count. And That I'm in here now on the edge of my breaking point, trying my best to hold it together.

"Let me explain yesterday I promise-"

"I don't wanna talk about it Harry."

"Then why will you barely look me in the eyes?!"

Silence fell between us.

The fact that I was even in this position to argue with Harry-my boss- the man that I had managed to catch feelings for, felt surreal to me.

"Because every time I look at you It hurts. I'm over it Harry. Thank God I can be done with your shit soon. You and Lexi can have whatever you two clearly will never put an end to... I'll be gone." I surprised myself by managing to say that without crying.

Hell - tell the truth in general.

"What are you talking-"

"This whole thing was a project Harry! The entire thing! I just needed to follow you around for three months for a project. I was gonna keep working for you but you don't deserve my time and effort anymore. Consider this my two weeks... I quit."

As soon as I turned on my heel tears fell down my face. Happiness should've been felt, but all I got was an empty feeling after. I didn't mean any of those words, and if none of what happened yesterday occurred I'd still be groveling at Harry's feet. I think I just needed that as a wake up call.

What hurt the most though is he didn't chase after me. I didn't know why I expected him to though, this wasn't a game of tag, but the thought would've meant so much more.

I stepped on to the elevator with my things, a face full of dried tears, and the worst headache of my life. This had to be one of the worst days I've went through in a while, and everyone could tell.

When I arrived back to the dorms I reluctantly found Liz. Not only to bid our goodbyes before we both left each other for over a week, but to talk about today.

"Oh honey..." Liz sighed as she rubbed my back. I sobbed my feelings out onto her shoulder.

"I don't know what he sees in her Liz. I- I did things with him I never even imagined myself doing. Then this is what I get in return? His ex back in his office and we don't even get to see e-each other anymore?" I started choking on my own words, and my face was puffy from crying.

Liz continued stroking my hair and shushing me until I calmed down. Once the tears stopped running and snot bubbles cleared I could finally pull my head from her shoulder.

"You listen to me. You are one the most beautiful women I have ever met in my life, and you certainly don't need a man to make you feel like that. You own that title as an educated, sexy, kind young woman and you run with it. Don't let these bastards win. I want you to remember that while you're partying it up at the lodge with your folks."

I smiled and cried some more.  Liz is my blessing (and curse when she wants to be) sent from above. She always knew how to say the right thing when needed, and my mind couldn't grasp the thought of where I'd be with out her.

"And I want you to have a pretty memorable week with Josh," I winked. A final tear rolled down my cheeks as my thick lashes batted.

We gave each other a long hug before our departure. Liz had to catch a flight to Florida where her cruise boarded, and I had to get to our jet located on the outskirts of NYC. I was eager to see my family, and this time it would be well needed.

I changed into a thick track suit as soon as I got home. It was already pretty chilly in New York, but nothing compared to Colorado. Liz on the other hand was already ready for a taste of hot weather. We were about to enter our separate Uber's with bag loads of stuff, but had to hug one last time.

"Text me if you can girly. Josh paid for WiFi so I'll try and reply as quickly as possible," She smiled.

"You know I will. I'll try and face time you when I get with Justin, don't tell josh about your fetish for my brother." We both laughed.

We said our I love you's and goodbyes. Our drivers were probably tired of the waiting. As soon as I got in I gave him the address and began the long drive to the airport.

While sitting quietly in the back seat I watched the rain trickle down the window. We happened to pass Harry's building on the way to the airport, and my relaxed state sat up in shock.

Flash after flash went off as the woman herself walked cockily into Harry's building.

Fucking Lexi.

I held in my scoff and was glad the sight vanished in seconds as we speedily drove by.

I was never the jealous type. Always relaxed and laid back, but Harry brought out a different side of me. I was shocked with myself for even catching feelings so quickly for him. It wasn't because he was insanely attractive (even though that did a play a role), or his money. I didn't need either.

Something about him I connected with on another level. No matter how many times he yelled a me, I always saw past that. I saw his vulnerable state. A man scared of whatever he was feeling. So scared he'd hurt the others around him to avoid it.

I should've moved out of his path of destruction when I had the chance, but I was too late.

Maybe this break was what I needed. Just time to connect with my family again and get away from the city life.

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