|44. Effortless|

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After my first time, Harry and I had two more exceptional rounds. He allowed me to catch my breath and clean myself up some. Even after I used the rest room some of Harry's cum was still leaking out of me, and he admired the sight while I was on all fours.

The second time, I experienced my first time of getting 'hit from the back'. Guys in the past would always mention it while professing their lust for me, but I of course never let it happen. Until just recently with Harry.

Then lastly, we finished in the shower. Harry had checked the travel screen to see we were about an hour from landing, so in the small bathroom provided on his jet we made very close and intimate love.

My body was exhausted and I couldn't get my legs to stop shaking after. My vagina felt like it was in orgasm overload and I could barely walk up right.

"You alright love?" Harry joked as he watched me walk slowly down the aisle to our seats. The pilot let us know over the intercom to prepare for landing by taking our seats. Little did he know I was more than ready to sit down.

"Shut it," I scolded.

Harry tugged on his grey sweat suit, looking overwhelmingly hot as always. Meanwhile I had the worlds messiest bun and was in an oversized sweater and skin tight leggings. My feet were clad in a pair of my warmest Ugg's, and my eye bags were heavy.

"You look ravishing, beautiful," he complimented, pecking my temple sweetly.

"Yeah yeah, sit down you," I commanded as I tugged his arm.

We sat in comfortable silence as the plane began declining in altitude. The city looked stunning outside of the window, and snow was slowly coating over it.

"Ugh, I have to go home and finish up my essay," I groaned.

"Come to my place instead," Harry tried to persuade while kissing the back of my knuckles.

"As nice as that sounds.. I miss my roommate. Plus, I need to focus."

"My office is all yours," he tried again.

"You've had me all break Harry, don't be selfish," I pecked his nose.

When I pulled away a puppy dog pout was sitting on his lips. He looked so cute that I almost gave in, but instead gave him a kiss full of apologies.

"I'll see you at work baby, don't worry," I reassured, stroking the fair, soft skin of his cheeks.

Harry finally gave up, and instead focused our conversation on what my essay was about. Which is what I had been trying to avoid.

"Just a businesses paper," I brushed off.

I didn't plan to stop working for Harry, but was aware there was a possibility that I'd have to. The university could only keep our classes on an online schedule for so long, and it was hard to get all online if you weren't an athlete or had a special reason.

"Oh for your class? You forgot to tell me how that was coming along."

"It's uh, it's going," I chuckled, Harry smiling in return.

"Well if you need any help love just let me know," he sweetly smiled before turning back towards the window.

Harry and I hadn't talked much about my bluffed quitting. Call me a drama queen, yes, but even if I did mean it something was telling me Harry wouldn't allow that.

I didn't want to discuss it too much either. The a fear of university not allowing me to keep online classes was hard not to ponder nowadays.

I decided to push the thought to the back and wipe my face clean of thought. Now that Harry knows my mind (and especially my body) almost like the back of his hand, he picked up on everything. Nothing on my face snuck past him.

The pilot alerted us to buckle up for landing. Harry held my hand protectively the entire time, stroking the skin lovingly. The intricate swirls on the pad of his thumb felt intoxicatingly good.

The jet finally touched the ground, and a few minutes later landed completely. All we heard was the pilot's beep letting us know it was safe to stand, and we could exit shortly.

As I tried to stand Harry pulled me down into his lap. I yelped, hushed shortly after with his lips. We both smiled into the random kiss. Just happy we could finally show affection like this towards one another. When we pulled away Harry gave me a small smile and stroked my cheek gently.

"Let's get you home princess."

The car ride to the dorms was silent. The two of us sat hand in hand snuggled together in the back seat observing the empty streets. Since it was snowing, not many pedestrians were out, or any of my peers when we arrived to campus.

"I hope to see you bright and early at work tomorrow," he chuckled.

The thought of possibly not being to work with Harry was still fresh on my mind. What didn't help was him staring at me with nothing but smitten as he held my hands securely.

I looked around briefly for any paps or students, then pulled him in for one last kiss.

"I'll see you tomorrow sexy," I giggled. Harry chuckled to himself with the shake of his head.

While we were saying our goodbyes, Gordy was sweet enough to get my luggage out of the trunk. I thanked him with a brief hug as well before the two peeled off, and I could finally return to my overly excited roommate.

A/n: just a filler of them being cute together :,(

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