|35. The media|

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I couldn't stop the heat that would rise to my cheeks every time I entered Harry's office. Amazement at the fact that I got the chance to pleasure him, and he let me freshly replayed in my mind. All of these events that continue to transpire between us make it even harder to deny how hard Im falling for him.

I didn't tell Liz a thing. I somehow managed to continue dancing around the topic of our outings once again. It wasn't that I didn't love Liz, I trusted that girl with my life, but I just believed some things needed to stay behind closed doors. At least for now while things are running smoothly.

Liz is the type that felt bonding only occurs through secrets. She believes that the more you know about a person the closer the two become. But that wasn't the case at all, and I never understood her logic behind that either.

There were of course tabloids, paps, and even his own employees trying to rat us out for some quick cash. Even through all of their efforts they didn't get much, just that I'm his assistant and that I accompany him at dinners and other events.

"You called?" I asked as I entered Harry's office. He had that drawn face of focus, thick eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he stared deeply into his computer.

Harry simply made a motion with his fingers to come over. I did as told and walked around his desk to see some site pulled up. Over his shoulder I began reading, then realized it included the two us.

"These idiots have finally figured out you're in college," Harry sighed while leaning back in his chair.

Scrunching my eyebrows I look down at his head full of hair then back at the monitor. I sighed and quit reading the article before rounding his desk to sit down.

"So what?" I shrugged. So I'm in college? Congrats, but they didn't know anything else that went on between us.

Harry's enticing green eyes scrunched again, then he chuckled with the shake of his head.

"'So what', Aliyah? Really?"

"Harry what's the problem?" I asked, genuinely confused. Especially when he easily changes his mood with barely a blink.

"I'm a twenty seven year old man, my assistant is in college, and I am seen out with her every other night of the week. Do you see what I see, darling?"

I had a gut wrenching feeling that Harry was going to eventually bring up the dreaded topic. I just didn't want it to be so soon.

He's so going to fire my ass. No worse, say we couldn't see each other any more.

"So you're saying I'm fired..." I let my idiotic self conscience speak for me. As I timidly looked down at my twiddling fingers, an unbelievable amount of weight fell upon my shoulders.

"What? Aliyah no that's - no..." I watched him get up and stuff his hands into his pocket. The sleeves of his button down were rolled up as usual. Only making me want to repeat yesterday's activities.

"You'll of course still be working for me darling... but my management says maybe we shouldn't go out as much. They're suggesting maybe I-"

"See someone you're own age." I knew exactly what he was talking about, and here is where Harry and I ran into our first problem.

"There wasn't a problem before why is there one now?" I still couldn't look him in the eye.

Maybe this is for the best...

Whether I wanted it or not.

"A lot more speculations and details have been getting around and I can't figure out who's giving it to them. People aren't stupid, Aliyah. Every time we go out there's eyes on us. Look,"

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