|57. Deceived|

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As my eyes fluttered open I crinkled my nose and smiled faintly. Harry had been scattering small soft pecks across my face to wake me up. His affection warmed me as I noticed Oia lighting up the nights sky, so I decided to not push him away and just ravel in the moment.

"We're here," he mumbled in my ear, giving me one last peck on the lobe.

As expected the view knocked me off of my feet. I grew antsy thinking about exploring it in the day time. Traveling had always been a hobby of mine, I just couldn't do it often with school always on my hands.

"Please tell me I can visit while here.." I thought out loud with my hands pressed to the glass.

"Of course my love.. not with out my security though," Harry obliged as he caressed my back softly.

Shopping would be the perfect distraction from our problems lately..

"I'll be working every day that we're here except for one. My card will be all yours to do as you wish," he added.

I never wanted Harry for the money. I have my own and always will. Now though, I wouldn't mind spoiling myself under his dime.

Hell, I needed some type of compensation for his mistakes.

"Thank you," I couldn't look him in the eye and say it.

Harry grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it gently.

"Of course.." he rasped.

We landed in silence, and once the plane touched the ground it was constant rushing from there. The pilot let us get off as soon as possible. After that we were immediately escorted by security to a black suv sat not too far from the jet. Harry allowed me to get in first before he followed after. Then our suv along with three others left the airport.

"I have to tell you something," Harry randomly blurted out.

The partition had already been raised by our driver. One who wasn't Gordy but nonetheless still polite.

"Okay.." we turned towards each other. Our hands were intertwined and mine started to grow clammy in his.

"The truth is.. is that we have to stay here.. for I don't know how long yet.."

I released Harry's hand and turned my face up in confusion. Then pulled myself back some to create a bit of space between us.

My heart started to rapidly pound against my chest. The traffic around us turned into slow motion.

"Harry.." my shaky voice protested.

Could I even handle hearing what else he had to say?

My jaw slacked as a sense of hysteria began to tingle at my mind.

There's no way he could be serious. He wouldn't lie to me again, no.

"You're kidding," I breathily chuckled as tears clouded my vision. I felt like I was losing my mind.

"There are people all over The United States looking for you Aliyah. I couldn't risk it."

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