|6. Thumbs|

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She had the right amount of everything. Her skin was as smooth as can be and a delectable shade. Her naturally curly hair that I admired was slicked to perfection with not a hair out of place. She had small but perky breast that started the beauty of her body, and a petite waist that allures you into her curves. Just for her to turn around and reveal the amount of ass sitting on her backside.

Aliyah my darling...You're going to be fun to play with.

I knew keeping in contact with her father had a reason behind it. Not for obvious business mentorship, but to have the honor of taking in one of the sexiest girls I've ever laid eyes on.

Everything about her drove me absolutely mad. The curls down her back would give me a sturdy grasp when fucking. That round plump ass that would jiggle so nicely against my cock looked succulent. Then her small breast that I would suck on by the mouthful were quite cute.

I was getting too hard while trying to focus on my paper work, but my mind had drifted too far off for me to catch it. I wanted nothing more than to call her in here and demand she suck me off right now, but I had to wait. I had to wait until she was practically begging to do any and every thing with me.

I'll break her every chance I get because I'm certain that one day she'll not only be wrapped around my finger, but everything else as well...


My thirty minutes were sadly up and I had to go back and tend to the devil himself. After calling my mother I was convinced that if she didn't believe me then no one would. There'd be no point in telling anyone else what Mr. styles did.

So it became irrelevant to me.

Well, at least what I convinced myself to keep from crying.

I reached his office and went to knock but he of course saw me through the glass. This stupid double sided mirror was probably one of the most aggravating things I've ever came across. I walked in and stayed as close to the doors as possible. That way if he felt like pulling another stunt I had a better chance to run.

"Here's your list. I hope everything's done by five which is clock out time. Go on, and I want my lunch not a minute early nor a minute late."

I took the paper from his grasp to look over every little tedious task. The amount of labor the sheet held made my head spin. In my mind I knew the list was impossible to complete in just one day.

It held at least a week's worth of work on it!

"Yes sir," it took everything in me to bite back my slick remarks. I did though nonetheless and exited his office.

My first day ended up being more than tiring- just flat out exhausting. After the first ten tasks I had to run to my car and trade my heels for flats. My feet were aching and screaming for a break, but I persevered anyways.

When it came time for Harry's lunch break I practically took off to the diner. He requested his meal be from there today. I got it to him right on time, and gave myself a huge pat on the back for it.

At least I did one thing right.

After lunch is when I noticed a lot of the tasks were redundant and way out of my job description. Three o clock rolled around and I was half way through the thousands of things when I reached "shine Mr. Styles' shoes."

I made myself read over the small fine print multiple times. Just to make sure I wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. Though with my luck I wasn't, and it did indeed say what I thought it did.

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