Chapter 28.1: Wastelands

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Chapter 28.1

Max flew past a massive flock of fiery birds. These creatures are known for producing extremely hot fumes when flapping their wings. He wanted to test out his [Emperor's Sword] on the flock.

He rushed into the flock and proceeded to swing his katana at an unbelievable speed.

His katana flashed around in the air while he continued killing the Pixlings. He could hear the system notifications firing away like a machine gun.

[Ding! Killed a Phoenix Lizardling! Received 200,000xp and 190,100p!]

[Ding! Killed a Phoenix Lizardling! Received 180,000xp and 189,130p!]

[Ding! Killed a Phoenix Lizardling! Received 190,000xp and 190,210p!]


Max mercilessly destroyed the entire flock of flying birds and when he was done, the entire ground was covered in burning corpses of the creatures. However, it seems that there weren't enough experience points to level him up to the next level. He was still at the brink of levelling up.

"I wish there were an easier way to level up..." Max sighed as he proceeded to check his system.

[System Info]

Name: Max

Level: 21


Points: 31,342,132p

[System Options]

[Abilities: 19]

[Skills: 10]

[Owned Items: 24]

[Fusion Forge]



[Mystic Shop]

[Beast Spirit Slots: 0(Inactive), 2(Active)]

[Special Bodies: 1]

He was still stuck at level 21. He needed to slay more creatures.

Max continued flying around the Wildlands. As he observed the scenery and creatures, his mind wandered to when he met M's AI. It said something about a creature far stronger than any within the 1st continent.

"I wonder where this creature is..." He thought.

Max wanted to grow stronger. He was tired of being weak and looked down upon by everyone. To do this he needed to slay more creatures and level up.

Max had long flown past the Plains and Dunes. He was heading straight to the Wasteland. Wasteland is one of the biomes found by the government. It was similar to the Dunes but the monster to land ratio was significantly higher than any other explored place in the Wildlands.

He was going to train his abilities here. After a few hours of travel, Max finally saw the Wastelands. It was very similar to the Dunes. It's environment mainly consists of purple coloured sand and majority of structures and mountains where all purple coloured. It was basically a purple cloured desert.

However, what makes the Wasteland different from the Dunes were the strange man made structures that could not be found anywhere else. If one were to look carefully, they could see ruins and remains of what looked like a previous civilization.

Many explorers had tried to figure out how old they were but all of them were unsure. It was said that these structures existed long before the Wildlands were discovered.

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