Chapter 34: Golden Fruit

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Chapter 34

It was a woman or that's what Max thought it was.

The purplish cloudy vortex ripped opened and a lady came out. Only her head was visible while her entire body from the neck down was draped in a dark thunder cloud. This spirit had a long purple hair that gave off a dim purplish glow.

The moment the spirit walked out of the portal, all the creatures froze. None of them dared to move. Even Max, who was quite the distance away from the portal had stopped moving. He even stopped breathing out of fear.

Somehow all the creatures that were inside the chasm had the same thought.

"This creature in front of me is powerful."

Max watched with fear as his body started to sweat. The woman looked at the golden snake and started to laugh in a shrill, high pitched laughter. Even her laughter released an unimaginable amount of power. The sound reverberated throughout the cave and could even penetrate through everyone's body.

Max could feel a thick amount of ki being built up around his area. He felt the sound waves released from the laughter entering his body. He felt violated in a strange way. While he was busy thinking about the weird feeling, the woman started to speak.

"A creature from the first continent has managed to evolve! You even managed to get my attention! Impressive." she said with her extremely high pitched voice.

The snake looked at the spirit and hissed with anger. Seeing this, the spirit smiled with hunger.

"What an unbelievably high amount of ego you have. You should know that you are just a small disgusting snake to me." it spat back at the snake.

The snake, almost as if being able to understand the spirit, hissed at it even more angrily. It was showing disrespect.

"It seems I have to show you the difference between us." The spirit said with a hiss.

She pointed her finger at the snake and a bright purple lightning shot out of it. The snake coiled and was about to lunge but before it could even move, it was zapped! The blast shook the chasm and the snake was shot towards the walls of the cave.

There was a smell of burning flesh and Max watched in horror as spirit started to laugh sadistically.

The snake was fine. Just that it's once shiny scales were looking slightly dirty and burnt. It continued hissing at the spirit. What came next will forever stay in Max's head.

The spirit continued torturing the golden snake. It would zap it and the snake would continue trashing. Eventually, it became so bad, it's golden scales turned black and it's wings which were white and strong were now broken and most of it's feathers had burned off. It looked like it had aged a few years.

Just what exactly did the spirit come here to do? Why was it attacking a random creature from the 1st continent? How is it able to come from the 2nd continent?

Max had many questions but he could not bother with it now. The spirit in front of him was a monstrous existence. Every time the spirit attacked, there were flashes of purple light and the air cackled. Some creatures who were too close to the attack instantly vaporized but the golden snake was only hurt. It wasn't dead.

Eventually, after countless amounts of torture, the snake stopped hissing. It lowered its head in submission. Seeing this, the lady smiled.

"Good. Garbage should act like garbage." She said with an evil grin.

The snake continued bowing down, as if it was unaware of the snide remark the spirit made.

Seeing it being subservient to the spirit, she smiled.

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