Chapter 20: Ruins

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Chapter 20

Hale Verglas was annoyed. He didn't want to be dragged into the business of the Viper's Kiss again. Last time he intervened, he lost someone precious to him. He didn't plan on losing someone else to that cursed crime organisation again.

In deep thought and contemplation, Hale made his way towards the boy's house. He was emitting small miniscule snowflakes that were slowly falling towards the ground. Soon, Hale could make out the rundown neighbourhood that Max was living in.

"A boy with so much potential living in a dump like this." Hale sighed while hovering over Max's neighbourhood.

"What are you doing here Hale?" an old and jovial voice said behind him.

Hearing the new voice, Hale turned around, his mind was alert and ready to fight off any unknown threats. He immediately started to power up and channelled ki into his body. Hale was ready to fight.

Feeling the change in atmosphere, the voice called out again.

"Whoa. Calm down! It's me!" the voice said as it's owner revealed to Hale.

"Oh it's you. What brings you here Verzin?" Hale asked with an eye roll.

Hale couldn't believe who he met on his way to see Max. It was Verzin Eralith. Unbeknownst to him, Verzin was also Max's principal.

"Oh I'm just passing by and happen to see you rush past as if your life was on the line." Verzin said as he gave Hale a toothy grin.

"I'm here to see someone. It seems he is going to be hunted by the Viper's Kiss and I'm here to warn him..." Hale said with a sigh.

"Warn him? About Viper's Kiss? The cold faced Hale warning someone about THE Viper's Kiss personally?" Verzin asked him in disbelief.

"Yes... Unfortunately my Sylvia has been saved by this boy and now she feels bad that someone is going to get hurt because of her." Hale said.

"May I know who this boy is? It would be nice if I could recruit him to my combat school. Young talents are a treasure." Verzin said as his emerald eyes landed on Hale.

Hale sighed before speaking. Verzin was known for his addiction for recruiting talents for his school.

"He goes by Max. Although I'm not sure if it's his real name." Hale said.

Upon hearing this, Verzin was surprised!

"Wasn't this the same neighbourhood that the Max in my school goes to? Is this a coincidence?" Verzin thought deeply.

"Is it okay if I tagged along to meet this young man? I may or may not know him." Verzin said.

"May or may not!? What do you mean?" Hale asked, confused.

Verzin started to explain to Hale regarding how he has a boy in his school name Max. Upon hearing more from him, Hale remembered something that Sylvia told him. She said something about Verzin's combat school being near the mall. Turns out maybe the boy might really be from his school. If that was the case, then maybe the boy might not be a threat after all.

"Fine but if he is from your school, he is your problem to deal with. That's all I'm saying." Hale said as he made his way towards the neighbourhood's rundown streets.

"If I'm not wrong, this is it." Hale said as he pointed at the small building in front of them.

"Well. Let's go in." Verzin said with a smile and walked forward.

Both Hale and Verzin stood in front of Max's apartment door. Hale knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"There is no sound..." Hale whispered.

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