2.11: Blair's POV

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I had signed thousands of copies of my new book in the past couple of hours. My mind and body were on autopilot the entire time. I couldn't stop replaying what I could remember of that night in my head. I had felt dead inside since waking up the next morning. I had ruined everything with Alice in one drunken mistake of a night and it was all my fault. I was being reckless and nothing could change what had happened.

"You okay?" Ben asked looking at me in the rear view mirror

I shook my head looking down at the floor mats "I fucked everything up Ben."

"You did." He nodded in agreement

"You really did." Taylor added still looking out the window

"I need to fix this but I don't even know where to start." I stated holding my head in my hands "I love her so much."

"Then why did you kiss that girl?" Taylor questioned glaring back at me

I threw my hands in the air "I don't know I barely even remember that night!"

"Well I can tell you that you weren't very pleasant to be around." Taylor grumbled looking back out the window

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and saw Callie's ID on the screen. Thank god, someone who always knows how to cheer me up.

I answered the call and heard her yelling as soon as I pressed it to my ear "Are you fucking kidding me Blair?"

Not what I expected.

"C-Callie?" I stuttered out

I heard her exhale through the speaker "Yes Blair, it's Callie. Now why the fuck did you cheat on Alice?"

"Callie trust me whatever you're going to say right now I'm already thinking. I'm literally the dumbest fucking person on earth and I ruined the best thing in my life." I sighed

She was quiet for a moment before responding "Glad to hear were on the same page, now what the Fuck are you going to do about it?"

I leaned back in the seat "I have no idea."

"Well figure it out, Alice doesn't deserve this shit." She stated before hanging up

"I think Callie said it best, you need to figure it out and soon." Ben stated looking at me once again in the mirror

Yeah I definitely do, but how?

~1 Hour Later~

I had been staring at my phone since I got back to my room debating on calling Alice. What would I even say? Oh hey babe I'm sorry I ditched you for my fans, kissed another girl, and acted like you should be okay with it? Yeah no, that's definitely not gonna work. I shook the thoughts from my head and finally clicked her contact watching as it rang three times before she answered.

"Hello?" Her angelic voice came through the speaker

"Hi Alice." I choked out, fighting back tears for the hundredth time in the past few days

She let out a sigh "What do you want Blair?"

"I miss you." I mumbled out

She was quiet for a moment before she grumbled out "Good."

"Alice I know this can't fix what happened but I need you to know that I regret everything that happened that night. I can't even begin to express how sorry I am for every fucked up thing I did. I miss you so much more than I ever thought possible." I cried into the phone

I could hear her sobbing when I finished and her voice was cracking slightly as she spoke "I miss you too Blair but I can't get the image of you and that girl out of my mind. I can't stop replaying the way you treated me, the way you made me feel, and the way I didn't even recognize you anymore. It's like you were a different person and I don't know how to trust you anymore. How can you guarantee that something like that would never happen again? I can't go through that again and I don't know how we can fix this right now."

"Alice I would do anything to prove how much I care about you." I stated, feeling a tightness in my chest at her words "Anything I can do to regain your trust and fix this I will do. I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too." She cried out, her sobs echoing through the speaker

At those words I felt the tightness in my chest dissipate slightly "I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you say that."

"Stop being a suck up."

"I'm not."

"You are Blair."

"Just hearing your voice makes me happy."


"When can I come see you?"

"I don't know."

"I really miss you."

"That's the point." She laughed half heartedly

I sighed "Alice I hate that you're not mine anymore."

"Don't go there Blair."

"Okay I'm sorry."

"You don't even understand how much self control it's taking for me not to forgive you."

"Oh really?" I grinned

Even through the phone I could tell she was glaring "Stop it right now."

"Yes ma'am."

"Don't start that either."

"Start what beautiful?"

"You know exactly what you're doing Blair."

"I don't, please enlighten me." I smirked, noticing the annoyance in her voice

She groaned "You know that turns me on."

"I thought you were mad at me."

"Obviously I am but I haven't had sex in over a week because we were so busy and then this shit happened."

"You're almost as bad as me now a days."

"At least I can control myself enough to not kiss strangers when I have a girlfriend." The venom in her voice was evident

"Okay that hurt, but fair."

"You're pissing me off."

"I thought I was turning you on."

"It's possible to do both."

"We could always have hate sex."

"You're really pushing it."

"I'm serious, well not about the hate sex, but we could have phone sex."

"Seriously Blair?"

"I'm sorry you're right."

She was quiet for a moment before whispering "You know what fine, I'm too horny to turn that down. As mad as I am right now I miss you."

"Wait really?"

"No, goodnight Blair."

"Goodnight Alice, I love you."

She hung up and I tossed the phone on the bed beside me. Everyone's right, I really need to figure out how to fix this, and soon. I'm not sure if that phone call made things better or worse honestly but I couldn't help myself. I missed our banter, her voice, and turning her on, but I miss having her next to me more than anything.

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