2.23: Blair's POV

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(A/N) This is the first updated chapter posted after I merged book 1 and 2 of this series together and I have now unmerged them once again. Thank you all so much for reading and for all of the support!



Everything had been settled with Anna and the article had been posted without any mention of the incident. I had sent over the other half of his money and he had signed a non-disclosure agreement after deleting the pictures. Everything seemed to be working itself out well enough except the fact that Anna was infuriatingly frustrating for everyone, especially Taylor. We had secretly planned a team meeting to discuss how we'd handle the whole Anna situation moving forward and had agreed to meet in Taylor's room.

"I still think we should kick this dumb bitch to the curb." Alice huffed as we walked down the hallway

I nodded looking over at her "Agreed but unfortunately were stuck with her at this point."

"She's a spoiled bratty ass bitch who likes to get on everyone's nerves until they snap and then she acts like we're the assholes." Alice grumbled

I reached over taking her hand in mine and stopped in the middle of the hallway looking at her "Baby I'm sorry Anna is such an annoying bitch and trust me if I could I would literally make sure we never had to see her again. Unfortunately we are kinda stuck dealing with her and I don't want her to ruin our time together on tour. Just try your best to remember it's temporary and we only really have to see her at the events. We'll get through this and trust me I will be the first to tell that bitch off if she says one more rude comment to you."

"Okay you're right," she sighed before pulling me into a tight hug "she's just such an infuriating person I mean what's wrong with her? She's possibly the biggest bitch I've ever met and I teach high schoolers."

"I honestly have no idea but agreed." I replied hugging her even tighter

We pulled apart and continued down the hall as Alice spoke "This meeting should be interesting considering we're all on the same page with no viable solutions to the issue."

"It should be something." I laughed as we reached Taylor's door

I knocked twice before the door swung open revealing Taylor who was wearing a tee shirt and sweats that looked very uncharacteristic on her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned glaring back at me

I froze for a minute before shrugging "To be honest I thought you slept in those pant suits of yours."

"Jesus Christ come in before I change my mind." She grumbled

We both scurried in before she slammed the door shut behind us.

"Fuck yeah now the parties getting started!" Ben chuckled holding up a bottle of champagne

"Was I not fun enough for you?" Taylor grumbled crossing her arms over her chest

He shrugged before popping the champagne open "I mean I'm not gonna say no but I'm also not gonna say yes."

"I'm the life of every party Taylor don't you know this by now?" I joked causing her to glare back at me

"Everyone stop bickering and take a glass." Ben stated handing out champagne flutes to everyone

He carefully filled each glass before setting the champagne on the desk.

"Are we celebrating something?" Alice questioned

Ben shrugged "I mean I'm personally celebrating a moment of peace as a team without that bitch ruining it."

"I'll cheers to that." Taylor grumbled holding her glass up

We cheers together, the glasses clinking as they connected before we all threw them back to take a sip.

"Alright now for business." Taylor stated setting her now empty glass on the desk

Ben laughed "Easy killer I've never seen someone take a glass of champagne as a shot."

"Then you need to get out more." Taylor stated before turning to me "So obviously you and Anna are now tied together as authors due to the dual tour were now doing. I'm trying my best to get the best press coverage I can for the both of you but I do have to warn you that Anna has a tendency to attract bad press."

"Define bad press." I stated curious to hear what she could've done that was so bad

"Oh I got this one!" Ben yelled out in excitement before laughing slightly "So one time she went to this party out in LA and it got shut down. When the cops were trying to get everyone to go home Anna literally stripped on a table and tried to seduce two officers in front of like fifty or more people."

"Holy shit." Alice breathed out

"That's not the worse part unfortunately." Taylor sighed as she sat on the edge of the bed

"When they said they were going to have to arrest her she tried to bribe them." Ben continued

"Is she dumb?" I asked

"Still not the worst part." Taylor stated holding her hand to her forehead as though a migraine had suddenly come on

"When they refused she proceeded to offer them LSD in exchange for letting her go." Ben stated between laughter

"How is she not in jail?" I questioned in disbelief

Taylor shrugged "Her father knows a really good lawyer."

"I'm assuming this is only one of many stories." Alice stated looking between Ben and Taylor

"Unfortunately yes, I could just about write a book about all the bullshit that girl got herself into." Taylor grumbled

"So what are we gonna do to try and minimize the bad press?" I questioned

Taylor shrugged "I don't know, we could pray."

"I'm not really religious." I replied with a shrug

Taylor rested her head in her hands her voice quiet "Me either and yet that's the best thing I can think of right now."

"Well we could try reasoning with her." Ben stated causing us all to glare at him "Okay yeah that probably wouldn't work."

"I actually have an idea." Alice chimed in causing us all to look over and stare for a few seconds

"Well out with it." Taylor stated

"Um well, how much trouble can she get in if we keep her working around the clock?" Alice said before continuing "I mean if we schedule her meet and greets, signings, readings, and come up with a reason she needs to get started on a new novel then she'll be too busy to even think about getting herself into a potentially reputation ruining situation."

"I think that's a good start for how to reduce the chances." Taylor agreed "I do think it'll still take close observation from the guards and Anna is, well, not even half as famous as Blair to say the least so wasting security puts her at risk. I mean Anna along with almost every other author in the world doesn't really need security but somehow Blair here has managed to become the most famous author in the world and has literal celebrity status at this point."

"Awe Taylor I don't think I've ever heard you say so many nice things about me in all the time I've known you and to add to it you're concerned about my safety." I smiled holding my hands over my heart dramatically

She glared back "Calm yourself I'm just stating the facts."

"Sure." I teased back

She rolled her eyes "Alright I think that's enough team bonding and problem solving for one night. I have a lot to figure out so if you could all leave me to it that would be delightful."

"Awe but it's hardly even late." Ben pouted

She glared back at him and he put his hands up defensively before grabbing his champagne and heading to the door with us. We all muttered a quick goodnight to each other before heading back to our respective rooms for the night with a lot to think over in regards to the Anna situation.

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