2.6: Alice's POV

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I was admittedly having more fun today than I had originally expected despite the anxiety of admitting on live TV that I had dated one of my students. The internet seemed to think it was "hot" but I had a feeling my new co-workers wouldn't agree. On stage everything else seemed so irrelevant but now I couldn't shake the feeling that I had made a mistake.

"You okay?" Blair whispered in my ear from beside me in the backseat of the same car we'd arrived in earlier

I smiled softly trying not to ruin today for her "Never better."

"I'll say!" Taylor interjected "You two are all the worlds been talking about since the reveal!"

Can I not have a single conversation with my girlfriend without interruption?

Ben let out a low chuckle "Yeah I cant even scroll through Facebook without seeing you two."

"When were you on Facebook Ben?" Taylor asked glaring over at him

He rolled his eyes "While I was taking a shit if you must know."

Taylor face filled with disgust "I didn't need to know that, can you at least try to be professional?"

"You asked." He replied with a shrug still focused on the road

"You were on the clock." She stated sharply

"So were you when you fucked Anna," he replied calming glancing at her for a mere second "but you didn't see me pitching a fit about it."

The rest of the ride was silent. I could tell that Ben had struck a nerve, but now I was curious who Anna was. I hadn't seen Taylor speechless all day and it was almost refreshing to be in silence. The car came to a sudden stop directly outside of the hotel where three men escorted us quickly into the building. The lobby was as grand as I remembered it, marble pillars decorated in gold with black and white marble tiles crossing the floor. We were led directly into the elevator which was quiet a squeeze between the seven of us. Once we made it to the top floor one of the men stayed in the elevator while the other two followed us to the door of our room with Ben and Taylor.

"We're going out to celebrate tonight, no arguments!" Taylor said clapping her hands together

Blair gave me a sideways glance before turning to Taylor "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, wear something nice and we'll be back at seven to get you." Taylor grinned before pulling at Ben's sleeve "Let's go Ben we have arrangements to make."

"See you guys later." He said with a toothy grin before being pulled down the hall

"Alone at last." I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist

Her eyes went wide looking behind me and I turned seeing the two men dressed in all black.

One of them nodded at me "Don't worry we're just here in case any crazy fans show up, the rooms all yours."

"Thank you." Blair mumbled nervously as she swiped her key card opening the door

We both walked inside and closed the door behind ourselves frantically.

"That was awkward." Blair laughed

I shrugged "I mean at least they understand what privacy is."

"Hey Taylor left too." Blair stated before running over to the bed and letting herself fall back onto it with a relieved sigh

I rolled my eyes walking over and climbing on top of her so I was straddling her waist "It only took all day for her to leave us alone."

"She was just trying to help babe." Blair said shaking her head and looking away from me "Can you at least give her a chance?"

"I am," I shrugged reaching down and gently pulling her chin so our eyes met "but I don't like fighting with you, especially about her."

"Okay babe." Blair said smiling up at me half heartedly

I sighed sliding off of her sitting criss cross on the bed "What's wrong?"

"I just don't want you two to be fighting all summer. We literally are going to be seeing her almost everyday until September." Blair explained sitting up to look at me

I nodded looking down at my hands "Okay you're right, I'll try but I still can't promise anything."

"Why do you hate her so much?" Blair questioned resting her hand on my knee

I shrugged rolling my eyes "I don't hate her baby, can we please just drop it for now?"

"Okay." She mumbled out removing her hand from my knee

I looked up at her noticing the pout on her adorable face "All that matters is that I am in love with you Blair and nothing will ever change that. I'm sorry I don't particularly love Taylor but you have to admit she's been a little over the top so far."

"You're right, I love you too Alice and I'll try to be a little more patient. I know Taylor can be a lot, trust me, and it wasn't right for me to expect you to get along with her as well as I do." Blair stated twirling a stray piece of her hair between her finger tips

I smirked causing Blair to give me a sideways glance "How the hell do you get along with her?"

Blair glared at me and then grabbed a pillow from behind herself flinging it at me.

I put my hands to my chest "How could you?"

As she went for another I stood and grabbed the one she had hit me with. As we launched the pillows at one another we both sucked missing narrowly before bursting out into laughter.

"This is war!" Blair yelled grabbing the two remaining pillows and holding them up

I dropped to the floor and crawled over grabbing the closest pillow before standing and using it as a shield as I ran. She launched one and missed by a foot and almost hitting the television.

"Careful!" I yelled before reaching the other pillow and mocking her as I held both up in the air

She grinned holding her sole pillow in hand "You don't have the guts."

"Oh you wanna bet?" I challenged

She threw the pillow but I quickly deflected it with the two in my hands before smirking deviously at her "Any last words baby?"

She held her hands up "I surrender!"

"Too late!" I grinned before launching one after another at her

She dramatically fell back resting her hand on her forehead as she panted out "I-I l-loved you!"

I shook my head laughing and climbed on top of her "I love you too beautiful."

Her eyes flung open revealing the beautiful ocean blue eyes I could stare into for hours at a time. I couldn't help but smile as the corners of her lips turned up into a cute grin.

"Truce?" She questioned

I nodded "Truce."

She leaned in kissing me gently at first, our lips moving in synch as the heat built stronger between us.

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