2.33: Blair's POV

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I walked right into Alice's room finding her seated at her desk focused on the papers sprawled from one end to the other.

She peeked up and smiled once she realized it was me "Hey babe."

"Hello beautiful." I smirked leaning down and placing a short sweet kiss on her lips before holding out a bag to her

She took it and carefully unpacked the Chinese I had gotten for us for lunch. I pulled a seat over so I could sit across from her and couldn't help but get deja vu from senior year.

~1 year and 3 months ago~

"Blair can you please at least try to focus!" Alice exclaimed causing me to turn my attention away window

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks in an instant "My bad, I zoned out for a second there."

She shook her head sighing "Blair you have to at least try and study or you're never going to pass the final."

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms over my chest "I could pass the final blind folded with my right arm tied behind my back."

"As if." She scoffed glaring back at me

I shrugged "I just so happen to have an in with the teacher so..."

"Sooo no way in hell am I bumping up your grade or helping you cheat in anyway. Pay attention and study or don't and fail." She stated looking over at me with a rather serious look

I held my hand up in defense "Fine, studying it is."


"What are you so deep in thought about?" Alice questioned smiling over at me as she took the lid off her sweet and sour chicken

I shrugged "Nothing important, how was the first half of your last day?"

"Good, kids were crazy as expected." She replied before taking a bite of her food

I nodded as I opened up my container of sweet and sour chicken "I mean you can't blame them for being excited to not be in this hell hole everyday for a couple months."

Alice glared at me and I felt my hands up in defense "Fine, I can't believe they'd be excited to spend even a second away from this place. I mean it's basically heaven on earth."

She glared at me, hard and only stopped when we were interrupted by a girl walking in with a notebook clutched tightly to her chest.

"Good afternoon Harper, something I can help you with?" Alice questioned looking up at her

The girl nodded "Yeah I just wanted to let you know that there's a sticky note taped to your back that says kick me. It's been there since second period but there was no way I was telling you in front of anyone else."

Alice sighed and turned revealing the note on her back that I quickly pulled off and handed to her.

She looked down at it for a mere second before looking up at Harper with a curious expression "So who did this?"

She held up the note and Harper shifted uncomfortably "I'm not a snitch Ms. Winters."

Alice shrugged "I never said you were, I'm just asking who put the sticky note on my back?"

"Someone in second period." Harper stated

Alice gave her a look "I could've guessed that Harper."

We all burst out laughing for a moment before Harper responded "Sorry Ms. Winters but as I said, I'm no snitch. Have a great summer guys!"

Harper quickly disappeared out the door as Alice yelled out "You as well Harper!"

"She was interesting." I laughed looking over at Alice who was staring at the note

Alice nodded still focused on the note "You've definitely seen her before but she's usually on her way out when you're coming in."

"Weird." I replied giving her a look

She rolled her eyes "Not like that Blair, she has class second period as we all just discussed, besides I'm all yours forever remember?"

She waved her left hand at me, showing off the ring on her finger.

I laughed "You make a good point."

"Speaking of which, I just wanted to say one more time how much I loved your proposal." Alice said, a blush creeping across her cheeks

I leaned over placing a kiss on her cheek and smiled at her "I'm glad you liked it so much."

"You really should start writing lyrics and or just become a singer or rapper or whatever that was because it was fantastic!" Alice smiled

I rolled my eyes "It really wasn't that good no need to exaggerate babe."

"I'm not! I really think it was amazing!" She exclaimed looking over at me seriously "Also I've gotta ask, how on earth did you get everyone to help?"

I shrugged "It was pretty easy honestly everyone was more than excited to help, especially Callie and Bonnie."

"Yeah that's not surprising." She laughed

I smiled taking her hand in mine "So I know it's only week one of being engaged but we do need to start planning sooner rather than later."

"Agreed, so any location ideas?" She questioned

"Uh, not really." I shrugged

She nodded "The only thing I really thought of was maybe we could do a beach wedding."

"That does sound really beautiful." I smiled squeezing her hand "How about color scheme ideas?"

"Well if we do go with the beach wedding idea then definitely like a blue, white and grey or something along those lines." Alice replied smiling at me "I also really want a dance floor for the reception after."

"Oh and we're definitely doing an open bar!" I replied in excitement

She gave me a look "Are we sure that's a good idea?"

"I promise I'll behave, it's more for everyone else than us." I laughed

She nodded "You know what we really need to focus on planning?"

"Hmm?" I bummed

She smirked looking me up and down "The honeymoon."

"Any ideas?" I grinned unable to keep my mind from going straight into the gutter

She shrugged, biting her lip ever so slightly for a second "Well I know I want to be able to fuck you without interruption for the entirety of the trip."

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