2.4: Alice's POV

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(A/N) I hope you're enjoying the second book so far!



We had barely caught the flight, I had almost thrown up multiple times once aboard and we had spent thirty minutes tracking down our luggage before we finally made our way out into the musty air of the city. I noticed a rather attractive young woman holding a sign with Blair's name and knew instantly it must be her manager Taylor. I looked her over noticing her long black hair and dark gray eyes that contrasted against the bright yellow dress she was wearing and couldn't help but instantly dislike her for one reason or another.

"Hi you must be Taylor!" Blair greeted her with a smile

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I watched Taylor's face light up as she pulled Blair into too tight of a hug "Blair it's so nice to finally meet you!"

Blair stepped back and smiled over at me not seeming phased in the slightest by this "This is my girlfriend Alice who I told you about."

Taylor smiled slightly at me "Hello Alice, it's nice to meet you."

"You as well." I stated in the sweetest voice I could muster up

Taylor quickly turned back to Blair and continued on "So were on a tight schedule and we have a lot to do so Blair I'm gonna need you to do your best to focus today."

"I'm always focused." Blair joked as we were led towards a black Audi where a man in a rather fancy black suit loaded our luggage into the trunk

"You can have the front seat if you'd like Alice, that way we can discuss things easier in the back." Taylor stated with a smile I could see right through

"Okay, yeah." I mumbled out before climbing in the passenger seat

Blair and Taylor climbed into the back and instantly started discussing the plan for tonight. The man dressed in all black climbed into the drivers seat without a word. As we started off towards the hotel I gazed out of the window only half listening to their conversation in the back. By the time we arrived outside of The Lotte Palace located in Manhattan my head felt like it was ready to explode. The man in black whose name I had yet to learn and Taylor helped us check in and get our luggage up to the room and much to my dismay it did not seem like Taylor intended on leaving.

"So when we do the big reveal, you're going to be standing mid stage on the red X and a spotlight will come on just as they say your name." Taylor stated while I grabbed my outfit for tonight to change into

Blair's focus was on her entirely since we got here and it was starting to drive me insane that I couldn't get a word in edge wise.

"So where does Alice stand?" Blair asked as she sat on the small white couch

Taylor looked rather confused "What do you mean?"

"She's coming on stage with me for the reveal, I told you that in the e-mails." Blair stated with a shrug

Taylor looked over at me for a mere second before looking back at Blair "I don't see why that's necessary, you're the author not her."

"I'm standing right here you know." I stated unable to hold back any longer

"She's coming on stage with me." Blair stated plainly looking over at Taylor "Also could we have a few moments to get ready."

"Yeah sure." Taylor grumbled before walking out of the room without another word and slight slam of the door

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