2.38: Alice's POV

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Everyone was now in full swing, literally as they danced around with drinks on tap. My heart was so full and I felt complete as I sat next to Blair, our fingers interlaced under the table. I watched Taylor awkwardly dancing with Sarah who was dancing to her own beat.

I laughed slightly to myself and Blair turned, a devious smirk on her face "What are you laughing about?"

I pointed over at them and she followed suit, a cute laugh in the air "Damn Sarah is a bad dancer."

I lightly hit her arm "Be nice!"

"She can't even hear me." She replied with a shrug as she rolled her eyes and then looked up at me, the action making a heat scorch through me "So how long until we can sneak away?"

"We should at least try to pretend we aren't dying to skip right to the honeymoon." I laughed as I removed my hand from hers and rested it on her thigh "Regardless of how much we may want to just sneak off to be by ourselves."

I slid my hand up slow enough to feel the increased shaking of her leg as I went. The thin dress pants were little separation but I want to tear them off and have my way with her right here right now, not in god knows how many hours when we'd finally make it to a bed alone.

"Well do you think there are any janitors closets around here? I could make do with that." Blair stated, her voice low and husky as my hand dipped to her inner thigh

I smirked at her and leaned in, whispering "If I wasn't wearing this dress I would have to take you up on that offer."

"Always so hesitant to accept the invite, we'll except that one time..." she trailed off and I turned to see the reason why

My mother stood over us on the other side of our table, a loose smile on her lips. My hand was instantly removed from Blair's thigh as though it had turned to lava.

"I just wanted to come over and say congratulations! Welcome to the family Blair!" She smiled, nodding at her

Most mothers would probably have given her a hug but this was a huge step for my mom and I was proud of her. She truly had come a really long way lately and we had even been getting along enough to meet up for lunch a couple times. It was strange but refreshing to be able to actually be myself around her.

"Thank you mom." I grinned

Blair blushed slightly "Thank you so much I'm so happy to be apart of it."

"Same dear." She smiled before turning and heading back into the crowd

"Alright enough sitting," Blair stated as she stood and extended a hand out to me "May I please dance with my wife."

"Say that again." I stated as I took her hand

She pulled me up and then whispered in my ear "My wife."

I grinned ear to ear as she led me out to the dance floor. She rested her hands on my hips and I wrapped mine around her neck.

"Oh are you two finally done eye fucking each other in the corner?" Mike yelled loud enough for Sarah to hear and her eyes to go wide

Blair reached over and swatted him "Mike can you please cool it!"

"Owie!" He whined before holding his hands over his heart "Why do you gotta be so mean Blair bear!"

"I'm not you're just being irritating!" I whined back

He shrugged, a smirk now plastered to his face "Yeah but you love me."

"I guess that's true." She grumbled

Callie laughed "It's crazy that we're all attending your wedding right now it seems like just yesterday you were telling me all about your little crush on your teacher."

"Awe you said you had a crush on me!" I chimed in causing Blair to turn as red as a tomato

She shook her head "That was not exactly what I said."

"That's almost exactly what Alice told me, but about her student which was definitely a shocker."

"Save it for the speech." I grumbled and Bonnie's eyes lit up as she turned to Callie

"Oh no." Blair mumbled out

"Oh yes!" Callie exclaimed before grabbing Bonnie by the wrist and dragging her over to the DJ booth

She leaned over and talked to the poor guy who had been getting countless ding requests for the past hour. He handed her and Bonnie each a mic and then cut the music, everyone turning to watch the two hooligans.

"Hope everyone's having a good time me and Bonnie just wanted to say a few things as the maids of honor about our dear friends." Callie stated, a scary look in her eyes

Bonnie now took over "Though they might be terrified of what we're going to say, we can guarantee it will be more embarrassing than you had even imagined."

"Just kidding but we definitely could've if we weren't the best of all the best friends." Callie cut in, making my breathing return slightly back to normal

Callie told an extremely adorable recollection of the first time she had met Blair and how she had stepped in and stood up for her when she was getting bullied. It was clear how much it had meant to her and how much she truly loves Blair and it was heartwarming to say the least. Bonnie had started off with an extremely funny story from college about how I had tried, key word tried, to recreate one of her recipes and had accidentally burned the noddles by forgetting all about them while I studied until the water was boiling. She had then cooked us a meal and hadn't allowed me to cook since. She paused after and decided to get all mushy on me and had said that despite my inability to cook I was the best friend she had ever had and blah blah blah blah blah. Needless to say I had cried and hugged her like real sob show.

Everything had been winding down for awhile and we had finally decided to head out after changing into more comfortable clothes. Blair had opted for jeans and a cute black and white striped button up shirt while I had opted for a white cocktail dress. We climbed into the limo and everyone lined up outside waving us off as we drive away, "Just Married" written on the back windshield.

"Are you ready to get this honeymoon started?" I questioned

She grinned "Are you kidding? It's the only reason I married you!"

I glared at her and she smiled so innocently I couldn't help but laugh "We both know that's not true."

"No, but it is a pretty solid reason." She smirked before grabbing the color of my shirt and pulling me in for a heated kiss that left my head spinning

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