2.9: Blair's POV

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They carried in me the air, strangers copping a feel before passing me to the next section of the crowd. I let myself get lost in the sensation of trusting strangers to keep me in the air, the feeling of strange hands sliding along my body. When I reached the back of the club I was set gently on the floor. There were hot girls circling me as the club spun around me. They all wanted to ask me questions and some kept trying to touch me as we danced. I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around meeting Alice's dark green eyes set on me.

"Hi babe." I smiled awkwardly

She shook her head "Let's just go."

"But I'm having fun!" I whined

She shot me a look and I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Are you being serious right now Blair?" She asked scoffing at me

"Yes I am." I grumbled turning back to the group of girls

I could hear her walk away and part of me knew I was making a mistake. I mean I'm being a complete bitch right now but she seriously needs to chill. I'm just trying to talk to my fans, it's not my fault they're flirting with me.

"Hey there." One brunette whispered in my ear placing her hand on my shoulder

"Well hello to you too." I giggled meeting her blue eyes

Her wavy brown hair framed her face and her blue dress clung to her body in all the right ways.

She looked me up and down a smile playing on her lips "My names Riley, it's nice to meet you miss Bac."

"You as well," I laughed rolling my eyes "but please call me Blair."

She smirked meeting my gaze "Cute name for a beautiful girl."

I could feel heat rising to my cheeks and the alcohol coursing through me surely wasn't helping. She placed her hands on my hips and started dancing with me, turning around to grind against me to the rhythm. I found myself lost in the moment, enjoying the unfamiliar feeling of her hands on my body. She spun around facing me without warning and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. She closed the space between us, kissing me feverishly. I felt a warmth spread through me with the adrenaline of kissing a stranger.

Suddenly she was ripped from me and I heard her yell out "Ow!"

The first thing I saw was Alice throwing Riley to the ground by her hair. She turned to me, her eyes dark and distant, tears threatening to spill over.

"Alice I'm so sorry." I stuttered out

She shook her head and went over to the bar where Ben was standing. I was shocked, frozen in place as I watched her disappear with Ben.

"Damn she's possessive." Riley grumbled holding her head as she sat up

I shook my head at her "She has a right to be Riley. It was nice meeting you and all but I need to go."

I ran to the door turning the knob repeatedly without success.

"Want some help?" Taylor asked causing me to look up at her

She was glaring back at me, her lips in a tight line.

"Please." I nodded moving out of the way

She unlocked it and followed me down the hall "Ben won't be back for awhile."

"Where did they go?" I asked slowing my pace

She sighed "Blair I really don't think Alice wants to talk to you right now."

"I need to see her." I yelled stopping dead in my tracks

She shook her head and continued past me slipping into the private room. I entered behind her and found her seated at the minibar pouring herself a glass of champagne.

"Are you not talking to me now or something?" I growled sitting next to her at the bar

I reached for the bottle when she finished and received a glare "Don't you think you've had enough."

"You're one to talk." I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest

We sat in silence until Ben arrived and he seemed just as pissed as Taylor when he did. The tension in the car was absolutely suffocating and I basically ran to the elevator when we parked. As soon as the doors opened I sprinted to the room and unlocked the door to find the top chain locked. I peeked in through the crack unable to see anything other than the wall of the entryway.

"Alice please let me in." I yelled out


"Baby please let me in!" I yelled hitting the door

I heard her sigh and then footsteps coming towards the door. She undid the lock and flung the door open. Her make up was smeared and she had changed into a pair of grey sweats and a black tee.

She was looking down at the floor avoiding my gaze "Blair I really don't want to see you right now."

"Alice it was just a dumb mistake it's not a big deal. We were just celebrating and I kissed some girl. It's not like I fucked her." I muttered crossing my arms

She glared up at me "Do you even hear yourself right now Blair?"

"Yeah I do." I grumbled shaking my head "It's not my fault those girls wanted me Alice. I mean realistically I was just doing Riley a favor, I mean we all have fantasies about our celebrity crushes. She just got to live hers in real life."

She let out a deep breathe and bit her lip before looking up at me, her eyes dark "Well go stay with her then, we're done. Im leaving on the first flight tomorrow, taking my house off the market, and I'll be moved out before your tours over." She paused looking up at me "I literally can't believe you right now. It's been less than a day since you revealed your identity and the small taste of fame you got has already changed you."

"Alice wait no, I'm sorry." I mumbled out reaching for her

She grabbed my hand, a look of disgust filling her face "Don't fucking touch me Blair, just get out of my face and leave me alone."

She let go of my hand and I stepped inside closing the door behind myself.

"Alice you're right and I'm sorry for kissing her." I stuttered out

I could feel my chest constricting more with every second. The pain in her face was obvious even through the haze my mind was in.

"That's literally not even the worst part of what happened tonight Blair." She growled throwing her hands in the air "You didn't even go after me and then you show up here, acting like I shouldn't be upset. I feel like I don't even know you right now. I know you're drunk but that is no excuse for tonight."

"You're right baby, just please don't leave me. I'll do anything Alice, I'll cancel the tour, I'll do anything you want, anything,  just please don't leave. I'm so fucking sorry." I cried out letting the tears stream down my cheeks

She shook her head, tears running down her face "We need to spend some time apart Blair. I'm sorry but I can't just let this go. I'll sleep on couch and you can have the bed but I'm leaving in the morning."

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