"Shit she's here," Andrea exclaimed standing up, forgetting about his served meal.

Who's here?

Rita's eyes then shifted back to my curious ones and then she gave off a nervous smile.

"Um Mae, please don't-" Seb tried to say.

The front door suddenly opened, revealing who it was, she was, dear Lord, she was amazingly beautiful.

She had the height, making me look a little higher like I was looking at Kingston, her smooth tanned skin, she looked like the models we found in Vogue magazines or n Victoria secrets calendars, the right curves on the right places, with piercing chocolate eyes, that I found staring only on me.

My eyes moved to her lips, they were curled up in a smirk, her fashion was high class, her dark wavy hair was down to her waist, she was stunning.

Her predatory eyes held mine, making me feel so small, she was looking at me with an unfamiliar expression, I couldn't tell what was going on in her head, She looked about twenty-something if I could tell, this woman in front of me now was stunning.

"Same blue eyes I see," she said as she analysed my face, like some dermatologist.

Same blue eyes? Did she know me before?

Her voice wasn't soft, it held authority and power, she was quite intimidating, I wonder who she was.

"Where is he?" She asked, her face finally turning to the others.

"To think we would tell you," Seb said with a single laugh, I noticed Rita got close to me, her arms interlocked with mine like she was trying to protect me.

"He obviously is going to want to see me soon, nobody would want this excuse of a human ruling," she said lazily.

"Watch it," Andrea warned.

What are they talking about?

She laughed then faced me. "She doesn't know? Well, that's fine by me, anyhow my mate wants it,"

"Um hi, I'm Mae, who are you?" I tried to make acquaintance, she's been speaking in parables since, I honestly haven't understood a single thing she's said since she got in here.

"Aww, isn't she the sweetest?" She said with a radiant smile, but it didn't look genuine, it looked mocking.

"I am Nessa, Nessa Howler, Kingston's fiancee."



"Thank you so much for the visit Alpha, the patients are also grateful," The pack doctor, Clayton said as we shook hands.

"I'll be shipping in more drugs by the end of this month, till then," I said walking out of the hospital.

The rainy season had begun, which meant Selene fever had also begun. It's a kind of cold that hits a werewolf at night, when the Moon is out, during the rainy season, and if a werewolf could get sick by it, how much more a human? I really do have to take care of Vedika, I can't afford to see her sick.

In my pack, there is no means of transport except by pet wolves, but we don't need them, we are werewolves ourselves and we love being free and getting to wherever we want to, but now that she's here, of course, we can't do that, so instead I walked back to the family house.

As I headed towards the house after being greeted by almost every pack member who saw me walking by, I inhaled a scent, quite familiar sunflower scent but still, I couldn't place who, it wasn't for sure, those who just greeted me, it was coming from the house.

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