"I love you so much" I whispered he smiled and pecked my lips and stood up and sat back down in his chair and put other straw in his smoothie.

"Come on I always wanted to do this," he said and pushed the smoothie closer to me I laughed and we both drank from it and once we both pulled back he grabbed my collar and kissed me.

"I think your extraordinary" he whispered and smiled his gummy smile I blushed he giggled and sat down and ate his fries.

This is love

I stand up he watches me.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom you stay here I'll be right back baby," I said he nodded.

"Okay," he said and took out his phone I walked away but not to the bathroom towards the cute shop.

I walked in the bell rings in the small shop the worker perks up at that she looks towards me she looks like a middle-aged women

I walk towards the jewelry counter and look at the necklace in the glass she comes over to me.

"Hello, sir can I help you?" She said smiling at me she looks kind.

"That necklace the one with the blue gem," I said she smiled and took it out of the class and place it in front of me.

"That's our sunshine pendant the bluestone takes the center stage it has rhodium-plated rays with beautiful stones," she said I nodded not really getting all that.

"It's beautiful" I whispered looking at the necklace picturing his face if I gave it to him.

"Buying a gift for your girlfriend?" She said I shake my head staring at the necklace still.

"No boyfriend," I said and look at her she looks at me and squints her eyes then snaps her fingers.

"I remember you now! you came in with that cute mint haired boy is it for him?" She said I huffed

"Yeah he liked it when we came in I saw his eyes when he looked at it," I said

"They sparkled right?" She said I nodded.

"Yeah so? How much is it" I asked she sighed.

"It's $145," she said I groaned and lowered my head.

"What the hell! did Jesus make it himself why is so expensive?" I said

"It's Swarovski crystal boy it's expensive," she told.

"Can I put it on layaway or hold until I get the money?" I said she tapped her fingers on the glass.

"This isn't Walmart but if you put a little money down now I will put it to the side for you for a week because I think you guys are cute," she said

"Really thank you! I will get the money how much do I need to put down now?" I said

"What do you got?" She said I look in my wallet.

"$20?" I said she held out her hand I gave it to her.

"That's a good start get the rest by Saturday and it's all ours I'll even wrap it for you," she said with a smile

"Thank you so much I'll get the money I promise," I said with a smile

"You must really love him?" She said I nodded.

"So much," I said I admit

"Ah to be young and in love," she said

"I'll be back for it," I said walking towards the door.

"I hope so boy," she said

I nodded and left and ran back to Yoongi

He should get what he deserves

I just gotta work harder


They flirt in front of my salad all the time

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They flirt in front of my salad all the time

also I changed the story a bit like I always do I'm giving jimin anger issues I kinda already addressed
it in the fight chapter but I'm letting y'all know now

Also I'm so excited for "BE" idk when I'll post this chapter but it's November 16th so I'm super excited!!!

Also I'm so excited for "BE"  idk when I'll post this chapter but it's November 16th so I'm super excited!!!

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