I just turn and run away and run straight to where I feel safe.

The music room

I skip the first period sitting on the floor sobbing into my knees I let my phone play without the headphones music calms me down I hate u, I love" by gnash is playing

Guess I was too late...he confessed so many times I turned him down each time so I deserve his I was playing with his heart even broke it so I deserved this I have no right to be sad or upset at him. I'm more mad at myself than him he didn't do anything wrong to me. He was always so sweet and considerate I was the mean one.

When the bell rang I stood up and cleaned my face I packed up and went on with my day.

I'm too late..

He is trying to move on I shouldn't get in the way again

It's finally math class the last class of the day the one I have with Jimin I sit in my normal seat his desk is empty I sighed and plopped down.

I open my notebook and doodle my head resting against my palm.

Soon I feel a presence next to me I look over and see him he sits down.

I look at him he avoids my gaze I pout and look back at the notebook.

Soon I see the brown hair girl from early she goes and sits on Jimin's desk she grinned at him he gave her an unconcerned look.

"So Jimin wanna hang out after school my parents won't be home we could watch our movie," she said playing with his hair.

He then pushed her off his desk she landed on her feet with a gasp.

"No go away Sung kyung I'm not interested" he spat.

"Jimin what happened to us" she said

"Go away" he huffed

She scoffed then looked at me and walked away I looked back at him and tapped his desk he looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked he searched my face.

"Did you cry?" He asked I freeze.

"What?" I said

"Your eyes are all red did you cry? What happened?" He said concerned.

I did I cried again at lunch when I told Taehyung and Jungkook what happened and had to stop Jungkook from punching Jimin.

"N-No I didn't cry I just rub my eyes to much" I lied he scanned my face again and nodded.

"Okay good I don't want you to cry," he said softly.

"Jimin-" I said but got cut off by the teacher saying to turn to page 24 in our textbook.

Jimin turns away and puts his head on the table I huff.

The class went on for an hour we didn't talk and usually, he whispers stuff to me or I catch him looking at me.

Nothing today he kept his head down

The bell rings it's time to go home I stand up and pack up things I see him stand up and walk out saying nothing to me or walking me to the car that is picking me up.

Today Jungkook is taking me home but he stays a few minutes after school today because there is a meeting for the boxing club so I have to wait at the stairs of the parking lot again I walk over there and plop down.

I put in my headphone and just blankly stare around "What a wonderful world" by Louis Armstrong is playing I sigh and relax.

Jimin is acting different but he did stay he would stay away from me I wish he heard me yesterday in the parking lot I said I liked him too but he didn't hear me as he drove off.

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