• Chapter 37•

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Akiyae POV

Kaymere took me to Turtle's last night and they got me drunk. It was really cute. They got cake and ice cream like a little party.

I woke up, got in the shower and got dressed. Now I'm in the kitchen with Kaymere phone trying to get all his friends from Georgia number. I thought it would be nice for him to have some of his new friends on thanksgiving.

I found one number that say "Bro🧬", so I FaceTime the number. "Hello..."

"Bitch, why you got Kaymere phone?" Money said laughing.

"Bye hoe." And I hung up. He just pissed me off like I'm going through his phone or something.

Next was "Bro💉", like this contact list so fucking dumb. "Hello..."

"Who this?"

"I'm Ki but Kaymere call me Blu."

"Oh shit, okay."

"Who else would it be?" I asked laughing.

"He told me if somebody named Ebony call my phone, hung up immediately."

I hollered. "Okay, but what's your name?"

"Wy." He said.

"I mean, that is rude to start a conversation without me knowing what your name is."

"Nah, my name is Wy." I started crying.

"Oh shit, well imma call you homie." I said laughing.

"Okay, so wassup?"

"I was wondering if you could gather the rest of his friends there and come spend thanksgiving with him."

"Yea, I can do that. When you want us to come?"

"Well, I was going to send a plane too you on thanksgiving."

"Send a plane? You got it like that."

I chuckled. "Nah I don't. I just want Kaymere to have a good time."

"Yea, he said you good for that. Making sure everybody straight."

"Can't help it." I chuckled. "But I want it to be a surprise , so don't tell him."

"Aight I can do that."

"Thank you and I'm going to text your phone, thanks homie." I said laughing

"Anytime." And he hung up.

I got the number and deleted the contact. I went to the fridge for a water. Grabbing the grapes and strawberries, I sat down and ate. "Aye bay bay, you got my phone?"

"Yea." I yelled and continued to eat. He came down the stairs to sit on the counter.

"What you have my phone for?"

"I was talking to your mom."

"Fa what?"

"Uh. Stay outta grown folks business."

"Don't get jawed but you had a good time yesterday?"

I walk to him so that I was in between his legs. "Actually, I did. Thank you." I puckered my lips.

He gave me and kiss. "You ain't gotta thank me but I do want you to do me a favor."

I gave him a strange look. "Like what?"

"On thanksgiving, I want you to bring nana and yo dukes something to eat."

I laughed. "That's pointless. All she gone do is complain about how she didn't want no damn food."

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