• Chapter 26 •

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We hopped in the car and immediately they start making jokes. I knew I never should've picked his ass up.

"So what's funny?" I asked.

"It's a inside joke." Pookie said laughing.

I just drove, while they laughed all the way there.

I parked and got out. I guess they didn't notice we was here because they got out laughing. I'm ready to GET THE FUCK already. Walking in, I asked Pook where she wanted to go first. She nudged Kaymere.

"Oh um, imma take her with me and we gone shop."

"Oh well, here take my card." I said unzipping my wallet.

"I got it. We good. You go get something for yourself."

"Aight, well imma call when I'm done I guess."

"Aight see ya later." Pookie said.

Just standing there, looking lost. I finally decided to go to Nike first. Taking my phone out of my pocket and just started swinging through my apps. I finally got to Nike and started looking around.

Grabbing a couple of jackets and shorts. I could feel somebody staring at me. I turned around and it was a group of niggas but the one that was staring, was fine as fuck. He was darkskin, dreads, and tall. He had on a Nike sweatsuit and some 1s. I smiled. He was acting real police.

I went, paid for my shit and left. Footlocker here I come.
Kaymere POV

Pookie got my carrying all these bags. I really gotta learn to say no. She said she want them off-white air jordan's and them hoes go hard, so we gone be matching. I'm happy we only got about 30 minutes left before we have to meet Blu again.

"Okay Pook, where you wanna go know?"

She turned around and put her hand on her chin. "I think i wanna bear."

"A bear from where?"


"Don't you think you a little too old to be getting a bear."

She looked at me crazy. "You never to old for a build-a-bear."

So I guess we're on our way to build a fucking bear.

Going to the place, she ran to the lady and just started making it. "Well I guess you know what you doing."

"Yea. Can you hand me that skirt right there."

I looked at her confused. "Skirt? They got people clothes here."

"No dummy, it's for the bear."

"I'm not buying no bear clothes Pook."

"Whyyyyyy. She can't be naked."

"It's a bear, my nigga."

She made a sad face. "But she need clothes."

"Aight, how about you get 2 fits and 2 shoes."

"How about 5 outfits and 2 shoes."

"I don't even care." I seen Blu in Victoria Secret.

"Aye lil nigga, I'll be right back. Pay for it when you done." I handed her my card and started walking.

Then I hear Pook ask the lady if she can add 2 more shoes and 2 more outfits.

Sneaking up behind Blu, she was holding up and pair of lace black panties. "If you wear them around me, you gone need a another pair."

"And why is that."

"Because imma rip em off."

She laughed, turned around and pushed me. "Move bruh. Where my little sister at?"

"She over there getting her bear together."

"Why you getting her another one?"

"What you mean?"

"I just got her one of those last week I think."

"Damn she got me."

She laughed. "You better go get her before she buy all them clothes."

"Aight,we bouta go to the food court I think."

"Imma meet y'all cause I want chinese."

I nodded my head. "Aye, get them panties too."

She shook her head and went back into to looking.

Daddy get what he want!

I walked up to Pookie and she was on her phone. "Aye lil nigga, what you got?"

"I got what you told me." She smiled. "Aight we gotta go get Blu, I'm ready to go."

"She at the food court."

We started walking to the food court and I seen some nigga talking to Blu. Me being the petty nigga I am, I started walking towards the table.

I stopped in my foot steps. "Aye, what you wanna eat?"

"I really want Chick-fil-A."

"Perfect. Let's go." Walking up to the table, the little nigga looked confused. "Come on Blu, our child wants Chick-fil-A."

The nigga looked a little shocked. "You know him?"

"Unfortunately, I do. I'm sorry, I've gotta go. It was nice meeting you doe."

"Same too you." And he walked away.

"What is wrong with you?" Blu asked me as we all walked to the car.

"What I do?" I asked seriously confused.

"Why do you do that? You don't like to see me with other people or something?"

I shook my head. "Nah it ain't even like dat." But that's exactly what it was.

"Then what is it?"

"Lemme drive." I said, holding my hand out. She through me the keys and we hopped in.

I just drove to Chick-fil-A. Pookie laughing in the backseat, probably telling Ami what I just did. I could just feel Blu burning a hole in the side of my face. I pulled up in the drive thru. I looked in the back. "What you want?"

"The usual."

"And you, my beautiful love?"

"The same thing." She said turning her head. I could tell that she was blushing. I ordered, paid, and pulled off.

We just drove back to Turtle's in silent. I parked and Pookie unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Wellllll imma go use the bathroom." She got out the car and went in the house. I knew she was lying because she took her food with her. I turned the car off.

"Soooo, you not getting out?"

"Kaymere, why every time you see me with a nigga you cock blocking?"

"I do not cock block."

"Yes you do. You can do what you want but I have to do what you tell me to."

I shook my head and put my hands over my face.

She laughed. "You know whatttttt, just get the fuck out and tell Pookie to hurry the fuck up."

I know she was serious, so I just got out. I started walking in the house. "Oh and when you get rid of that bitch. You can take these panties off, love."

She said and rolled the window back up.

I went in the house and told Pookie to hurry up before Blu come in here cussing everybody out. "You better go. She mad."

She started laughing. "Because why would you do that."

"Cause she know I don't even play like dat."

She got her food and went to the door. "Just think, maybe she don't play like dat either bitch." And she ran out the door.

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