Chapter Fifty Three

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next day

"Ugh, Remus, can you give me the answers?", Sirius whined. "What are you going to do on the NEWTS, Sirius?", Remus asked jokingly.

"Copy off you, of course.", James snorted, his head bent over his own parchment.

"Shut it.", Sirius said, smacking the side of James' head. "Is he wrong, Padfoot?", Peter snickered, hanging off the side of his bed.

"Peter, my friend, my amazing, loveable, adorable, charming, friend.", Sirius said, scooting towards Peter.

"You want Divination help, don't you?", Peter sighed, sliding the parchment to Sirius.

"I could kiss you, Wormtail.", Sirius said, moving towards him.

"Please don't.", Peter said, moving away from him.

"Moons, you okay?", Sirius asked. "Surprisingly, yeah.", Remus smiled.

"That-- that's really good, Remus!", James said, smiling at him.

"Just kind of tired, but other than that I'm fine.", Remus said, his voice raspy.

"We'll wake you up when it's time, Rem. Sleep.", Peter said, smiling warmly.

In a few minutes, Remus was snoring.

a few hours later

"Rem. We need to go, wake up.", James said, slightly shaking him.

"Coming.", Remus muttered softly, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, let's go.", Peter said. "Coming, Sirius?", he asked.

"Yeah. Shit. I left my first aid kit in Minnie's office. You lot go on ahead.", Sirius said.

"I'll come with you.", James said, looking at him concernedly.

"Shit, James, I'm not a little kid.", Sirius said harshly.

"I know, Sirius, but just in case.", James said nervously. "Rem, we'll be back soon, alright?", Sirius said, kissing his cheek as he and James left the dorm.

"I have to go to the bathroom. You going to babysit me there too?", Sirius asked loudly. James shook his head. "Go, then.".

Sirius went inside, feeling something buzzing in his pocket.

He picked up the mirror, shocked. "Reg?", Sirius whispered. 

"Hey, Siri. Guess what?", he said, clearly excited. "Uh, Reg, hurry this up.", Sirius hissed. 

"I played a prank on Snape.", he said. "What did you do?", Sirius asked, smiling. 

"I told him how to get in the Willow. Remus'll scare him.", he grinned. Sirius felt his heart drop. 

"You WHAT?", Sirius growled. "Reg, you idiot! If something happens-- they'll put him down!". 

"What? No, I didn't--", Regulus stuttered. "Reg. This is the last fucking time I'm taking the blame for you.", he snarled, shoving the mirror in his pocket. 

"James.", Sirius said, walking out. 

"Finally. Look I'm sorry, Padfoot.", James said. Sirius gulped. 

"I- I did something, Prongs.", he said. 

"I sent Snivellus to the Whomping Willow. As a prank. I didn't think, I-", Sirius rambled. 

"You WHAT?", James asked, starting to run to the entrance. 

"I didn't think, Prongs.", Sirius said, the tears spilling down his face. 

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