Chapter Thirty Four

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"Where is everyone?", A Slytherin girl asked. "Everyone, wands out. We don't know what's happening.", James instructed. 

The group of students walked quietly to the edge of town. They heard screams, and went running towards them. There was a group of Death Eaters, who had a family of screaming Muggles hanging upside down by their feet. The parents looked to be unconscious. They had various cuts and bruises all over them, and their eyes were rolled in the back of their heads. The kids were screaming and crying.

The Resistance were shooting spells at the Death Eaters, who were firing back. McGonagall saw the students sneaking behind and nodded at them, then at the Muggles. 

"We need to free them first.", James whispered, leading the students to where the Muggles were hanging. 

Alice Prewett used her wand to bring down the parents, and James helped the kids down. "Are you a magician?", the little girl asked, her eyes wide. James smiled shakily at her. "I'm scared.", the little boy said. 

"Don't be. Do you like piggy back rides?", he asked. The kids nodded excitedly. "Okay. wait here.", James said transforming into Prongs. The kids squealed, and Remus quieted them as he put the two kids on James' back. "Hold on.", Remus advised, as James began running. 

"That's our house.", the little girl said, pointing at a little hut that was in flames. James kept running, until he reached a clearing. He turned back into his human form, setting the kids down. He pointed at a safe house. "Can you kids run over there? Tell them the Order sent you.", he whispered. The kids nodded, running. 

Alice and Lily were helping the parents. "Ennervate.", Lily cast, her wand shaking. The parents stirred. "Where are our kids?", the mother asked frantically looking around for them. "I know this is hard to process. Your kids are safe. I need you to run as fast as you can to that safe house. Your kids are there. Don't turn around, no matter what you hear.", Alice said quietly. 

On the battlefield, Minerva McGonagall was duelling The parents nodded, and ran as fast as they could, not stopping. "Where's Sirius?", Remus asked frantically. They ran to the battlefield, ducking spells. Sirius was duelling a masked death eater. "Itty bitty Potter wants to play, huh?", Bellatrix cackled, shooting a spell at James. "Expelliarmus!", James shouted, catching her wand in his hands. "Nice one, James!", Sirius shouted, smiling. 

"Avada Kedavra!", someone shouted, sending a spell of green light at Sirius. "Sirius, watch out!", Remus cried. Sirius ducked, just barely missing the killing curse. "Who are you? You can't even show your face, can you, coward?", Sirius taunted. The death eater took off his cloak, revealing Orion Black.

"Father.", Sirius said grimly. "Never can pass up an opportunity to kill me, can you?", he laughed. "Crucio!", Orion shouted angrily. Sirius ducked the spell, but Orion wasn't aiming for him. 

"Remus.", Sirius gasped. The spell hit him. Remus yelled out in pain, on the ground. James moved towards him. "James, take Remus. I have to get some family business to sort out.", Sirius yelled.

James picked up Remus and ran. "I'm fine. I can fight.", he choked out. 

"Imperio!", Bellatrix cast, hitting Sirius. "Sirius.", Lily said, in front of him. His eyes had clouded over. "Sirius, fight it.", she said weakly. "Move away, Mudblood.", Bellatrix cackled. She moved her wand. "Kill her.", she giggled. "Avad-", Sirius said, before shaking his head. "Move, Red, I can't fight it.", he choked out, turning around. "No!", Bellatrix yelled. "Avada Kedavra!", Sirius cast. But it didn't hit Lily.

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