Chapter Twenty Nine

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tw: panic attack

a/n: sorry guys you're going to hate remus a little bit more than you probably already do from the last chapter.... but i promise they will get together soon! thank you for 500 reads, please, please, comment and vote! i want to hear your thoughts! who are your fancasts for the marauders? happy reading <3


"Remus!", Peter huffed in annoyance. Remus stared at him. "What did I do?", he asked. 

James glared at him. "What did you do, Remus?", he asked incredulously. 

"Chloe? Can you step out for a second?", James asked. Chloe nodded, closing the door behind her. 

"Remus, you idiot.", James spat. "He started it.", Remus huffed. 

"I don't care. Sirius is sensitive, Remus, and now we don't even know where he is!", James stated. Remus looked down, but didn't say anything.

Sirius was running, running as fast as his feet could take him. He panted as he threw a rock, hitting the knot. He crawled inside quickly, heading to the tunnel. 

What am I doing?, he thought. He wasn't thinking. He just wanted, no, needed,  to get away. Chloe was right, he thought grimly, as the fresh tears slid down his face. 

His feet felt wobbly as he sat down, pulling the invisibility cloak over him, and casting Muffliato in case they came looking for him. He needed to be alone. He deserved to be alone. Who did he think he was, ruining relationships left and right? Jack was right to have left him. Marlene left him. Regulus left him. And now Remus hated him. Sirius felt his heart speeding up. He couldn't move. No. Not now. he thought, but it was no use. "Ten.", he choked out, using the method. "Nine.", he whispered. He couldn't breathe. Remus hated him. 

Sirius saw it before anyone, a car swerving madly. He felt himself moving to protect Remus as the car slammed into him, knocking him under a car. Glass. And blood. Everywhere. 

Sirius swore. "Stop, please.", he whimpered

"The Map.", James gasped, as Chloe came in. "Remus, we should probably leave.", Chloe said, slipping her hand into Remus'. James scoffed loudly. "Remus isn't leaving.". Silence. "You're crazy.", James said, disbelievingly. "I-It's clear Sirius doesn't want me around.", Remus said. 

These idiots. They're so oblivious., James thought. He knew Remus liked Sirius too, he just didn't know ti yet.

James stared at Remus angrily. "I don't know who this is, Remus, because this isn't the boy I became friends with.", he said, "Come on, Peter, let's leave this traitor in here.", James spat, pushing past Remus and Chloe.

Remus sighed, running his hands through his hair. "You didn't do anything wrong, boo.", Chloe promised. 

James and Peter stood on the grounds, looking at the Map. "I can't believe him!", James yelled. "He's in the tunnel.", Peter said quietly. They looked at each other and nodded, running to the tree. Peter hit the tree, and the two boys headed under. "Sirius? Prongs and I are here.", Peter said, looking around. "I don't see him.", James said, squinting.

"James. The cloak.", Peter gasped, waving his arms around wildly. 

Sirius felt sick. He couldn't breathe, and he felt like he was going to be sick. 

James saw where the rocks had been moved around, and carefully reached out his hand. He felt the cloak and grasped it as he pulled it off. "Sirius.", James gasped, as he saw the sobbing boy, with his head in his hands. He was sweating and his eyes were closed, his breath ragged. "Sirius, listen to the sound of my voice.", James said loudly, his voice echoing, "Focus. Can you hear me?", James asked. Sirius nodded, almost imperceptibly. "James, I'm getting Remus.", Peter said, not waiting for a response as he headed out of the tunnel. "I don't need him.", James called, which Peter ignored. 

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