Chapter Sixty Eight

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evans' house

"Lily, I promise you, I'm fine. You have school, darling.", Mrs. Evans said softly.

"Are you sure, Mum?", Lily asked, blowing her nose.

"Yes, flo-- Lily, I'm fine.", she said.

Lily's heart sped up at the nickname, hurting on the inside.

"Okay, Mum, if you're absolutely sure.", Lily said, finding it hard to leave her so soon.


The students were sitting in Charms, paying attention to Flitwick.

McGonagall opened the door.

"Sorry, Filious, can I see Sirius, Lupin, Pettigrew, McKinnon, and Meadowes please?", she asked, ushering the five students out.

"Minnie, what is it?", Sirius asked, being the first one to speak.

"Potter, Evans, McKinnon, and Prewett are back. They should be in the common room, you are excused from classes for the rest of the day.", she said, nodding at them.

"Did her father-- is he okay?", Peter asked slowly.

McGonagall shook her head slowly.

common room

Lily, James, Marlene, and Alice were sitting on the common room couch, in silence.

Sirius, Remus, Peter, Mary, and Dorcas walked in quietly, closing the portrait door.

There was a silence as Lily was hugged by everyone, offering their condolences.

Remus hugged Lily tightly, looking into her eyes.

"I'm here if you want to talk.", he said softly.

Lily nodded, hugging him back.

a few minutes later

"There's something I haven't told you.", Remus admitted, after the girls, except Lily, had gone to their dorms.

"What is it?", James asked, as Lily leaned into him.

"There's a lunar eclipse today."

"What does that do?", Peter asked.

"I might-- something might happen out there. It messes with the wolf's mind.", Remus sighed.

James took a good look at Remus, he looked much paler and had dark bags around his eyes.

"Prongs, I-- you don't have to come this time. It's dangerous.", Remus said, "You should stay with Lily."

"No, Potter, you're going with him.", Lily said sternly.

"We're all coming.", Sirius said, putting a hand on Remus' shoulder.

Remus sighed. "I should have known."

dorm-- that evening

Remus was asleep in the dorm, and the other three boys were planning their next prank.

"Nifflers?", Peter suggested

"That's so basic, Pete, we need to think bigger.", James said.

Remus stirred, yawning. "Ahh, sleeping beauty is awake.", James joked.

Remus stood up, looking at them, his eyes unfocusing before turning blue.

"What's happening?", Peter whispered, as Remus looked at them.

"Moony?", Sirius asked, stepping closer. Remus looked at him, disoriented.

"We should probably give him some space.", James suggested.

There was a thud, and before anyone could do anything, Remus ran at James, pinning him to the wall, and holding him by the neck.

"Remus!", Peter gasped, running towards them, followed by Sirius.

"It's me, James, Remus.", James gasped, turning blue, as Remus closed his grip on James' neck.

Peter lifted up his wand, but James signaled him to put it down.

"Remus. Look at me.", Sirius tried. Remus turned around, his eyes flashing back to a warm hazel, dropping James, who heaved for breath

"What did I do?", Remus gasped, staring at his hands.

"It's not your fault.", Sirius said gently. Remus' eyes flashed again, turning blue.

He let out an inhumane noise, rounding on Sirius.

Peter stumbled back, tripping on James' wand.

Remus lifted Sirius up, looking at him with cold blue eyes.

"Moons.", Sirius whispered, his voice trembling.

A growl rumbled in Remus' throat, before tossing Sirius through the air like a rag doll.

Sirius crashed into the wardrobe, hitting his head on the last drawer. He let out a groan of pain, touching the back of his head. Remus' eyes flashed back to hazel.

He looked at Sirius, wincing as he touched the back of his head.

"W-what happened?", he stuttered.

"Nothing, Moony.", Sirius lied.

"Wormtail?", he asked, turning around. Peter backed away, trembling in fear.

"You're scared of me?", Remus asked, looking around.

"No, I- I'm not.", Peter said.

"I'm sorry.", Remus whispered.

"Remus.", James said.

"I don't-- I don't want to do this.", he said, picking up his wand. "Accio.", he said, and three wands zoomed into his hand.

He cast a spell, forming a shield around them.

"I'm so sorry. I can't hurt you anymore. Don't hate me.", Remus said, breathing heavily, ignoring his friends calling his name.

He closed the door, coughing into his his elbow as he ran, through the halls, through the entrance of the school, and into the tunnel of the willow.


Remus set the three wands on a high shelf, wincing as he coughed loudly. He sat down putting his head into his hands, tears escaping them.

"I don't-- I can't.", Remus cried, his shoulders shaking from the pain.

The moonlight hit, and Remus let out an agonizing scream, as the transformation began.

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