Chapter Sixty Six

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dada, next day

"Hello. I am the step in for Professor Boltknox, Professor Ridwan. You have finished NEWTS, so now we will be talking about things you can do to protect yourself from the upcoming war.", he began.

"Yeah, because when I'm being attacked by Death Eaters, I'm going to pull out a cauldron.", Peter snorted to the other three boys, who burst out laughing.

"Anything you would like to share?", Ridwan asked swiftly, and they shook their heads.

"I'm sure we have all heard the news of the werewolf attacks. So, we will be brewing the Silver Asphodel potion. It's deadly.", Ridwan said.

"Isn't this Defense? Why are we doing Potions?", a student asked, but was silenced by the glare Ridwan gave him.

"Sir, why are we doing this? They're humans too.", Marlene spoke up.

"They'll kill us.", the professor said sharply, before handing out materials.

"Remus, say you're ill. Me and the boys have a dungbomb ready.", Peter whispered, as he was the closest to Remus.

"No, Peter, it'll be too suspicious. The scrawny, pale kid with the scars who's ill every month leaves during this lesson? I'm staying.", Remus insisted.

"Moony, no.", James said. Remus ignored him, chopping up the first ingredient.

"Remus, it's dangerous.", Sirius said firmly.

"Is there a problem here? I need to separate you. Mr. Black, come with me. Mr. Potter, back of the classroom, Mr. Pettigrew, stay here, and Mr. Lupin, go over there.", Professor Ridwan said, levitating their things.

"But Professor!", Sirius cried.

"I won't have it.", he said, and Remus went to his new spot, ignoring his friends.

Sirius watched as Remus chopped the ingredients quickly, throwing them in there.

** thirty minutes later **

Ridwan walked around, looking at the finished potions through the mist of purple haze.

"Mr. Black, this is atrocious.", Ridwan coughed, looking at the bright green potion.

"I try, sir.", Sirius smirked, as Ridwan shook his head.

After walking around, he shook his head at Peter's and stopped at James.

"Mr. Potter."


"What is this?"

"Tomato soup, sir."

"Where is your potion?"

"I didn't make it."

"Why on Earth did you make tomato soup?"

"Because I had the ingredients."

"Detention, Mr. Potter."

"Looking forward to it.", James saluted.

"Mr. Lupin, decent potion.", Ridwan remarked. Remus nodded his head in thanks, as Ridwan dismissed the class.

Remus picked up his bookbag, slinging it over his shoulder.

This is heavier than I thought.

He took a step outside of the classroom where his friends were waiting.

"Remus, nice potion? What are you playing at?", James said loudly.

"Prongs.", Remus said, stumbling.

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