Chapter Thirty Six

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The next morning, Dumbledore was talking in the Great Hall.

"As many of you know, there was a battle yesterday. It was the first, but definitely not the last. We had no casualties on our side.", Dumbledore concluded, waving his arms so the food appeared.

"Sirius. Psst.", James hissed, pointing to Sirius' neck. "Yeah?", Sirius asked obliviously. "New boyfriend?", Lily smirked. "What? No. Why would you think that?", Sirius asked quickly. "You have a hickey.", Peter snorted. Remus snuck a smug glance at Sirius, who struggled to keep his face straight. "Er. No, it's a bruise.", Sirius lied. "A bruise?", Lily asked, disbelievingly.

"Yeah, I accidentally hit myself with.. a book?", Sirius lied, "Moony was there! He'll tell you.", Sirius said, shooting a look at Remus. "Er. Yeah, he hit himself.", Remus nodded.

"Oh, okay then.", Lily said, looking at Dorcas and giggling. "How come you believe Moony and not me?", Sirius pouted. "No offence, Black, but Remus is much more believable.", Marlene snickered. "Then you lot corrupted me.", Remus smiled.

Peter's mouth dropped open. "We corrupted you, Moony?", he asked. "Who found that book of pranks in the restricted section?", he laughed. "Shut your trap, Peter.", Remus grinned mischievously.

"That was a close one.", Sirius whispered, closing the dorm door. "You're a really bad liar.", Remus laughed. "Not like you're any better.", Sirius snorted, standing on his tiptoes to kiss Remus. "Shortstop.", Remus teased. "Hey! Not my fault you're a bloody giant.", Sirius pouted.

"Elf.", Remus teased. "Giant.", Sirius shot back, pressing his lips to Remus'.

"Oh my god.", a voice said.

Remus and Sirius sprang apart, blushing. "I told you!", Lily said triumphantly to James. "We came to check on you, you seemed weird at breakfast and we find you snogging the faces off each other!", James exclaimed.

"We were not.", Sirius said, sticking his tongue out.

"Yeah, cause Sirius can't even reach my lips.", Remus laughed.

"Will you stop with the short jokes?", Sirius smiled.

"Potter, you owe me.", Lily said, holding her hand out. James sighed and handed her a couple of Galleons.

"Wait. You knew?", Remus asked.

"You guys were so oblivious, my goodness!", Lily sighed.

Sirius and Remus smiled shyly at each other.

"Sirius, I can't believe you would cheat on me.", James joked.

"Sorry, Prongs, but you cheated first, with Red here.", Sirius shrugged his shoulders. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot.", James shrugged. "Wow, Potter.", Lily rolled her eyes playfully. 

"You four are on time to class?", McGonagall asked, raising an eyebrow. 
"Yes, Minnie, we are. Spectacular students, aren't we?", James asked, smiling at her.

McGonagall rolled her eyes, and continued with her lesson. "Who can tell me why Transfiguration is important?", she asked. 

"Mr. Pettigrew?", she asked. "Transfiguration is important because we can use it to trick our enemies.", Peter said immediately. McGonagall nodded approvingly. 
"Mr. Black, your tie goes on your neck, not wrapped around your head like a pirate.", she snorted.

"Sorry, Minnie.", Sirius chirped, sitting down. 

"FRANK!!", Sirius cried, running through the hallways. "Hey, Sirius.", Frank Longbottom said, confusedly. "Lily said my puns are stupid.", he pouted. 

"Quite frankly, I don't think they are.", Frank chortled. 

"I Siriusly think I'm a genius.", Sirius laughed.

"Not you too.", Alice groaned.

"They are very deer to me, Evans.", James laughed, after Frank and Alice had gone. 

"Just howling at them.", Remus joined in. 

"Be mice, Lily.", Peter added. Silence. "That was horrible, Pete.", Sirius said, making Peter laugh.

"I'm really cold.", Remus shivered, back in the dorm. The night of the full moon. "Remus, do you want some hot tea?", Lily asked. Remus nodded, his teeth chattering.

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