Chapter One Hundred Twenty One

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There was a knock at the door, and Marlene burst through the door, Dorcas, Mary, Alex, Alice, and Frank in tow.

"Whoa, you brought the whole party.", Peter grinned. "Of course we did.", Marlene grinned, "Who wants Firewhiskey?"

Dorcas smacked her arm, laughing, "They just had surgery!"

"Well, I didn't.", Mary smirked, grabbing the bottle. "How did you even sneak this in here?", Lily laughed.

"Magic.", Frank smirked, waggling his eyebrows.

"Can I?", Alice asked tentatively, waiting for Lily's nod, before wrapping her arms around her. Marlene hugged her, then Dorcas, and then the others, as Mary whispered something in her ear.

"We haven't seen each other in such a long time, all these missions.", Frank noted, almost with a hint of nostalgia.

"I miss Hogwarts.", Dorcas nodded, sipping her Firewhiskey.

"I miss it, too.", Lily admitted quietly, taking James' hand. Mary rested her head on Alex' shoulder, as he played with her curly hair.

Frank motioned at Remus and Peter with his eyes discreetly, and the three of them slipped out of the room, closing the door. Peter looked up at Frank expectantly, waiting for him to start.

"I, er- After I heard what happened with Snape, I sent some aurors to be on the lookout. He's left Cornwall before we could catch him, and we don't know where he went. But he won't come back here.", Frank nodded.

"Thank you, Frank, really.", Remus said, pulling him into a hug. "No problem, mate, just let me know if there's anything we can do.", Frank spoke.

The three of them entered the hospital room, taking their seats, laughing and drinking the Firewhiskey. Except for James and Sirius, who drank water.

Remus liked this, being surrounded by his friends. He laughed at a joke Marlene said, grinning at Sirius. He loved the way Sirius threw his head back when he laughed, his bright grey eyes glinting with laughter.

He looked at James and Lily, so in love it hurt him to think that they would ever have to fight in the war, and Peter, innocent Peter, the one who everyone counted on to be there.

Remus looked at Marlene and Dorcas, laughing drunkenly at something the other had said. Mary and Alex were giggling quietly, as he played with her hair, and Frank and Alice were looking at each other with a lovestruck gaze.

He didn't like keeping secrets, especially not from the people he loved the most. Remus knew what he had to do, and he swallowed, taking a sip of Firewhiskey for courage.

"I'm a werewolf.", he blurted, staring at them. There wasn't a mouth that was closed as they stared back at him, and Remus went completely red.

"I- Oh my goodness, why did I say that? I just- I'm-", Remus stuttered, jumping out of his seat, "I'm sorry.", he mumbled, rushing out of the room, the door slamming behind him.

"Remus!-", Sirius called, struggling to stand, Peter helping him back onto the bed amid his protests. Mary and the other four did not seem surprised, but the others were speechless. "He's a werewolf?", Alice asked, being the first to speak.

James nodded, clenching his jaw tightly, "Please don't tell me you're like those bigots who believe that they don't deserve rights, or-"

"No, no, of course not, just- it's just a shock.", Dorcas said quickly, and the rest of them nodded, agreeing with her. James stood up, but Lily helped him back to the bed. "You two do not get up.", she said, "The rest of you stay here.", she said, before leaving the room.

Remus ran through the halls desperately, looking for somewhere to hide, rushing into the janitors closet. He waved his wand, locking the door. A choked sob escaped his mouth, hot tears filling his eyes.

Lily heard a sob come from the janitor's closet, and she rushed towards it, sitting down on the cold floors.

"Remus, it's me, Lily.", she said softly, knocking on the door. Remus covered his mouth, trying not to make noise. "I know you're in there, but I can wait.", she said gently.

"I don't know why I said that.", Remus said thickly, wiping his eyes roughly. "They don't-", Lily started.

"Do they hate me?", Remus asked quietly, "I didn't- I don't know what I expected."

"They don't hate you, Remus, I promise they don't. They're worried about you, especially James and Sirius, because I made them promise they wouldn't stand up, and you know how they get."

Remus sighed, a pang in his chest as he imagined his other friends hating him for something he couldn't even help. He opened the door, looking down at Lily, who enveloped him into a hug.

He towered over her, cracking a half smile as she stood on her tip toes. "Let's go back?", she asked, locking her eyes on his. Remus nodded, biting his lip nervously.


Lily and Remus entered the room, all eyes on Remus. "You're okay, mon chéri?", Sirius asked softly, as Remus sat next to him. Remus nodded, almost imperceptibly.

"We don't care if you're a werewolf.", Alex said gently. Remus looked up at him, "Really?", he asked, his voice cracking. The others shook their heads quickly, as Alice hugged him tightly.

Suddenly, James let out a whimper of pain, his face slick with sweat. "James?", Remus asked, panic entering his voice. "Go get the doctor.".

Peter and the doctor rushed into the room, as the doctor lifted up James' shirt to look at the incision, the group of friends staring in worry.

"It's just a small infection, nothing major. He'll have some pain, but with these antibiotics he should be fine.", the doctor said, handing Lily a bottle of pills, who thanked the doctor.

"Sorry.", Sirius muttered, hanging his head. "I wanted to do it, idiot.", James snorted, "Now I have a cool scar.", he grinned.

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