Chapter Thirty One

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In a flash, Lily was pressing her wand to his throat. "Don't. EVER. Say that again.", she threatened, and the student whimpered, scurrying off.

James stared at her. "Whoa, Evans.". "I told you, I don't need you fighting my battles.", she smirked. Sirius stared at the ground. "Sirius, don't lose hope. He'll wake up.", Lily said, touching his shoulder. "Sirius, you look exhausted.", Peter commented. "I was up all night writing notes for Remus.", Sirius yawned. "At least eat something, Padfoot.", James said worriedly. "I'm not hungry.", Sirius said nonchalantly, but his grumbling stomach gave it away.

"We're not going anywhere until you eat, even if I have to force it down your throat.", Lily threatened, bringing over soup. Sirius took a small sip, and set it down. "I'm full. Let's go.", he said. Lily stared at him until he finished the entire bowl, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "When was the last time you ate?", Peter asked. "Er.. the day before the full moon?", Sirius whispered. "Sirius, that was a week ago.", James said. "Can we not talk about this now? We only have an hour to see Remus.", Sirius said, pulling his jacket on. A slip of paper fell out, and Lily grabbed it. "Sirius, is it another note?", James asked. "Sirius, this isn't okay. You need to tell us who this is.", Lily said sternly. "Please, I really need to see Moony, I'll tell you everything when we get back.", he promised.

At the hospital, there was someone in Remus' room. "Chloe.", Sirius stated. "I'm here to see my boyfriend, got a problem with that?", she challenged. "Actually, I do. You cheated on him. Leave.", Lily said, stepping up to her. Chloe rolled her eyes, slamming the door as she left. Sirius flinched. Sirius held Remus' cold hand, while everyone talked to him. "Lily almost hexed someone over you, Moony.", James said, forcing a smile. "I miss you, Moons, please wake up. I- I love you.", Sirius said, pressing his lips to Remus' forehead. Sirius let a tear slip down his face, and he wiped it off. "We can do this.", he said, faking confidence. Maybe they could, but could he?

Sirius sat in the common room, facing the two boys and Lily. "Fine. I'll tell you.", he said, in a small voice. "The notes were- I wrote them.", he lied. "Sirius.", Lily teared up. "As a motivation. To keep going. For you lot. For Remus.", he added. "Sirius, you're lying.", James said, furrowing his brows. "Shit. You caught me.", Sirius sighed. "It was Chloe.", he squeaked.

"Chloe? As in Remus' girlfriend Chloe?", James squawked. "No, Prongs, the other Chloe.", Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "We- we're telling Minnie. Tomorrow.", Lily said, glaring at Sirius so he wouldn't argue. "One more thing, Padfoot.", Peter said. Sirius looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"Ever since the day of the full moon, right after Remus got drunk, you've been quiet.", he noted. "Oh. Er, Prongs and Red know, Pete, but I didn't tell you. I- I fancy Moony.", Sirius said, blushing. Peter didn't move a muscle. "Oh.", he said, smiling. "Good for you, then.", he said. If they get together, I don't have to kill Sirius or Remus. Just James. , he thought. "That doesn't explain it though.", James said thoughtfully. "He- he kissed me, drunkenly.", Sirius admitted. "Sirius!! You didn't tell me!". Lily squealed. "It's not that. Right before he went to sleep, he said, and I quote, 'I love you, Chloe.'", Sirius sighed.

"Oh, Sirius.", Lily said, pulling Sirius in for a hug. "It's not like I was expecting him to say my name.", Sirius said gruffly.

"Sirius, no offence, but you look awful.", James said. "Gee, thanks.", Sirius said, the corners of his mouth quirking up. "Sleep.", James said. "Remus needs me. What if something happens?", Sirius asked. "I'll be awake.", James said sternly. Sirius shook his head stubbornly. "I didn't want to do this.", James said nervously. "Now, Lily.", he said.

Before Sirius could process what was happening, James had cornered him into a wall. Lily pinched his nose and poured the sleeping potion into his mouth. Sirius did not make it easy. thrashing around like a wild animal. It wasn't long before his eyes closed and he slumped on the ground. "C'mon, Pete, let's get him to his bed.", James sighed.

Remus Lupin was in a coma, but that didn't mean that he couldn't hear everything around him. He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. He was walking around an endless field, and he heard voices around him. "Please wake up, Remus.", the voices had said. "I'm trying.", he wanted to yell, but it echoed around him.

Sirius was hauled into bed, snoring. "I didn't want to do that.", James said. "He's going to be so mad when he wakes up.", Peter said, flopping down on his bed.

Sirius woke up late the next afternoon. "James!", he yelled angrily. "Hey, Padfoot, sleep well?", James asked smirking. "You idiot! I had to take notes for Remus and finish mine and Moony's homework.", he stated. "Done, done, and done", James said, tossing him a stack of papers. "Oh. Er, thanks.", Sirius said sheepishly. "Can we go and see him?", he asked. "We're only taking you it if you eat and let us talk to Minnie about Chloe.", James said. "There's something I didn't tell you. Chloe said- she said if I tell anyone she would tell everyone about Remus' furry little problem.", Sirius said, kicking the ground. "This is all my fault. If I had just liked someone else- anyone else, this wouldn't be a problem.". "This is not your fault, Padfoot, we'll figure something out. For now, just eat.", James said, pointing at the stack of pancakes he brought from the Great Hall.

Sirius ate a bit of the pancake reluctantly. "James- I can't eat anymore.", Sirius said, pushing the plate away. "Sirius, you only ate one bite.", James said concernedly. "I know. I just can't.", Sirius said. "Sirius, have you been taking your pills?", Peter asked. "No.", Sirius whispered, realization dawning on his face. "Sirius.", James threatened.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just forgot. I can't do anything right.", Sirius said, putting his head in his hands. James and Peter stared at each other. "Hey, Sirius, it's okay.", James said, handing him the pill. Sirius swallowed it. "Thanks. Can we go?", he asked impatiently.

The mediwitch let the three boys in. "Is he- has anything changed?", Sirius asked, expecting the worst. "We've been monitoring his brain activity, nothing has changed. But that could be a good thing.", she said, after seeing their faces fall. Remus looked the same as ever, he looked asleep

"Hey, Remus, it's us again.", Peter said softly. "I brought you some chocolate.", Sirius whispered, setting it on the table. There was a silence, and then a rapid beeping. "What's happening?", Sirius croaked. The mediwitch walked in, with other people, and they pushed the boys out.

Sirius tried persuading the receptionist to let them in, but it was of no use.

After what seemed like ages, the mediwitch stepped out of the room. "He's awake.", she said, with a tired smile. The three boys cheered. "I need you to step in, to see if he remembers everything.", she said, leading them in.

It took everything inside James not to wrap his arms around Remus.

Sirius let a tear slip from his eyes.

Remus looked weak. He was paler than usual, and was even skinnier than before. He waved at them, a ghost of a smile on his face. 

"What's your name?", she asked. "Remus. Remus Lupin.", he said, his voice hoarse. "Who is that?", she asked, pointing at James. "One of my best friends. James.", he said. James smiled. "Who is that?", she asked, pointing at Peter. "My other best friend, Peter.", he said. The nurse pointed at Sirius. "That's my...friend, Sirius.", Remus said. Sirius' face fell. 


The mediwitch nodded, "I'll discharge you in a few minutes.", she said, leaving the room. 

The boys tackled Remus in a hug. "We missed you so much.", James said. "I did too.", Remus choked out, overwhelmed. 

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