Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five

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order tunnel

The two boys ran into the tunnel, out of breath as they approached Dumbledore.

James still looked angry, but didn't say anything to Dumbledore as he looked up at him. "What do you need us to do?", Remus asked, biting back his frustration.

"Greyback and Druella Black have been spotted in Camden.", Dumbledore said, folding his hands, "Unfortunately, it's not a regular mission. Druella is a very skilled potion maker, and we found out from- our spy, that she made a potion that will let him bite people on days that are not the full moon, and it will turn them."

"How is that even possible?", James asked, confused. Dumbledore paused, before continuing,

"We're not sure, but the spy says it was an accident. Druella accidentally added something that made it work, but she doesn't know what exactly is in the potion. They're headed to the town in Camden, to try and bite more people. Can you do this?"

Remus paled, but nodded.

"Now?", James asked.

Dumbledore nodded. "You okay?", James asked, and Remus nodded, as they stepped into the fireplace.


They appeared in a secluded spot, the stars shining into the puddles of rain on the ground.

"Hear anything?", James asked, gripping his wand. Remus listened, for the sound of feet padding on the ground, but he didn't hear anything.

Suddenly, Remus knew where they were, almost like an instinct. "They're headed to the town, to the houses. We need to get them away, now.", he said, his eyes open.

James stared at him, as the three of them apparated to the forest just on the outskirts of town.

"I remember you.", a voice snarled, making the hairs on the back of Remus' neck stand up. James was the first one to turn around, pointing his wand at none other than Greyback himself.

"We meet again, Lupin.", Greyback said, baring his teeth at Remus. His heart was pounding in his chest as they glared at each other, waiting for one to shoot the first spell.

Greyback was tall, and had hair all over his face, even on a normal night. There was blood in his teeth, and his teeth were sharp and pointy.

A high voice shrieked a spell that none of the boys recognized, shooting a blue light straight at them. James grabbed Remus, just in time, pushing him to the ground as the blue light zipped past his ear.

Druella Black stepped out, wearing black robes that flaired out, and tacky black boots.

The two boys stood up, their hands shaking as they held their wands out.

"Aww, look at the ickle babies trying to fight.", Druella said, clicking her tongue.

James shot a spell at her, and she dodged it, cackling. "You're married, aren't you, Potter?", she spat.

James didn't answer, shooting more spells at her, as Remus shot one at Greyback. "How is the little redhead mudblood?", Druella grinned.

"Don't call her that.", James snarled, catching Druella off guard with a spell, knocking her down

Greyback grabbed Remus' wand, in a flash of fur. Remus threw a punch, but Greyback grabbed him, holding him upside down. Remus yelled out, struggling, as Greyback snapped his leg.

Remus let out a howl of pain as he tumbled to the ground, and James waved his wand, throwing Druella against a tree. Her eyes fluttered shut, and blood trickled from her black hair.

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