Chapter Seventy One

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Remus was in the library, and Peter was on a date with Emily.

"Padfoot, I need help.", James said nervously. Sirius looked at him curiously

"Can we head out to Hogsmeade instead of staying in? I- I'm going to get something.", he stuttered.

"What are you getting?", Sirius asked.

"I'm going to get a ring.", James said, "I'm asking Lily to marry me. Whenever we graduate.".

"Whoa, Prongs. I'm happy for you!", Sirius said, surprised.

"Can we go now?", James asked, running a hand through his hair.

Sirius nodded, and they all agreed. "It'll be you and Moony next, don't worry.", James said, whispering to Sirius.

Sirius smiled, tight lipped, "We can't.".

"I'll make sure you do. I promise, you two will be married before I die.", James laughed, "Even if we're all senile old men, you're getting married.". Sirius snorted, as they walked to the entrance of Hogsmeade.


"Let's go to the jewelry store near the Three Broomsticks, we can get a drink after.", Sirius suggested.

The door of the store jingled as they walked in, and they were greeted by a tall woman, showing them to the display cases.

Multiple people were chattering idly around the store, looking at the jewelry in the display cases.

"What are we looking for today?, she asked, pushing her glasses up to her face.

"An engagement ring.", James said, unable to keep the smile off his face.

"Ahh! Come over here, to our back section.", she said, smiling.

They never made it to the back section.

A blast shook the store, and glass shattered and the building shook before it fell, crashing down.

James felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and his eyes popped open. Everything was blurry, his glasses must have blown off in the blast. He looked around him, and all he saw was smoke and rubble. The memories came flooding back as he let out a hiss of pain. Sirius, he thought.

He reached for his wand with his good hand, but it was right out of reach from his outstretched palm, and the sign reading "Goblin Jewellers" was crushing his arm. Tears sprang to his eyes, but he let out a cry of pain.

"Sirius!", James cried out. "Prongs?", a faint voice called.

"Stay there, Sirius.", James said loudly. He saw Sirius' figure stumble through the rubble.


"Stay there!", James called, louder. Sirius stumbled towards him, his footsteps getting louder.

"Get everyone else out, Padfoot, come for me last-- Ouch!", he yelled, as he heard his finger crack under the sign,

"O-okay. I'll take them to the edge of Hogwarts, they took off the wards to teach apparition", Sirius said, his voice trembling.

"Sounds good."

"James, are you okay?"

"Take them first, come back to me.", James said, his voice shaky.

Sirius made a noise of agreement, before digging through the rubble.

"Ma'am, come with me.", he said, as he lifted a piece of rubble off of her leg.

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