Chapter Seventy Four

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nine days later

The entire Gryffindor common room was cheering as Peter brought a chocolate cake inside, taking off his apron.

"Happy Birthday, Moony.", Peter smiled, as Remus practically drooled at the sight of it.

"You did all of this?", Remus asked, looking at the boys, who nodded, smirks on their boyish faces.

James lit the candles with his wand, then putting it in his pocket. "Make a wish, Moons.", Sirius smiled softly.

Remus looked around the common room, at his friends, at everyone together, the thoughts of the war banished from everyone's mind.

He closed his eyes, thinking, before blowing out the candles. Everyone clapped loudly, cheering. Sirius took the icing, rubbing some on James' face, who scowled, chasing after him.

Remus laughed as everyone shrieked, trying to get away from James and the icing on his finger.

"We have a gift for you.", Sirius whispered in his ear softly. Remus shivered, kissing Sirius gently.

James brought out a huge box, wrapped in Gryffindor colors, red and gold.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything.", Remus exclaimed, his mouth dropping open.

"Hush, Moony, of course we did.", Peter shushed, as Remus took the present.

"We all chipped in.", Marlene smiled.

Remus tore off the wrapping paper gently, and James huffed, "Come on, we don't have all day.", making Remus let out a laugh.

He threw the paper to the side, looking at what was inside. He let out a gasp, pressing his hand to his mouth. It was a leather brown briefcase, with multiple latches. On the very bottom of the suitcase, in gold embroidery, were the words 'Professor R. J. Lupin'.

"Oh my-- Oh my god, you didn't", Remus said thickly, looking up at his friends.

"Of course we did.", Lily smiled softly.

Remus pressed the latches, the briefcase sprung opened. The inside looked as rich as the outside, the same chocolate brown.

"I-- I can't believe you guys- I can't believe you did this for me.", Remus said, a tear slipping out of his eye.

His friends slung arms around him, and one of the sixth years snapped a picture, handing it to Remus, who stared at it, his eyes sparkling, before slipping it into his robe pockets.


"Remus, are you okay?", James asked quietly. Remus stared at the suitcase, running his hand across the new leather.

"Yeah-- yeah, I'm fine, I'm more than fine. I just can't believe you guys did all of this for me-- and I don't have any money.", Remus said softly.

"Our money is yours, Remus.", Peter said quietly.

"I love it. I don't know if I said that, but it's amazing.", Remus said gratefully.

"Always the best for Professor Moony.", Sirius laughed, throwing an arm around Remus.

"You know how you can repay me?", James smirked.


"Teach my kids. That's what I want you to do.", James smiled, "They'd love having their Uncle Moony as their teacher.".

"Really?", Remus asked, touched.

"Obviously. Who am I going to send them to, Snivellus?", James snorted.

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