Chapter Eighty Eight

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stanley and kingsleys' flat

"Lee-- our pagers are flashing. Hey, wake up.", Stanley whispered softly, lifting his head off of Kingsleys' chest.

"Mhm, coming.", Kingsley muttered, yawning. "You sure you're okay?", he asked, looking at Stanley, concerned.

"I'm fine. Ready to go?", Stanley said, kissing his cheek. "I love you. I know i don't say it a lot-- but I do.", Kingsley said.

"I love you, too.", Stanley said softly, grabbing his wand. "Look- Stanley, just in case something happens-", Kingsley said.

"Shh, nothing's going to happen. Don't jinx it, love.", Stanley said, as the two of them stepped into the fireplace.

order tunnel

"Meadowes and McKinnon. You're on patrol."

"Us-- together?", Dorcas blanched, her eyes lighting up. "Can I trust you to?", Dumbledore asked.

"Yes- thank you, Professor.", Marlene said, smiling.

"Call me Albus."

"Sorry, sir, I'm never going to get used to that.", Marlene laughed, her eyes twinkling.

"Professor it is."

stanley & kingsley's mission

"See anyone?", Stanley whispered, as they lit their wand, moving into the village.

"Who did Dumbledore say we need to look out for?"

"Werewolves.", Stanley said grimly.

"Is that- Oh my god-", Kingsley whispered, pointing at the red liquid on the ground. Stanley's face paled as his eyes followed the pool of blood to a man on the ground.

The man was almost cut in half, teeth marks and blood soaking his clothes,

"Sir- Sir, hey, we're here to help.", Stanley said, as Kingsley kneeled down next to him. "G-Greyback- he-", the man choked out, a bubble of blood forming near his mouth as he gurgled.

"We're going to get you some help, alright? Don't-- don't move.", Stanley said, pressing his hands to the wound, as Kingsley used his wand to wrap gauze around the bite.

"I- Don't.", the man breathed, coughing. "Lee, we need to move him to the fireplace.", Stanley said, his eyes wild. Kingsley nodded, lifting up his wand.

"Sir- we're going to move you, tell us if anything hurts.", Stanley said, his voice shaking. "Sir?", he asked again, desperately. The man was still, letting out a last shuddering breath.

"No-- No, no. Come on.", Stanley said, pushing on his chest, trying to start up his heart. Kingsley closed the man's eyes, pulling Stanley away, a choked sob escaping his lips. "Stan-- there's nothing we can do. But there might be people we can still save.", Kingsley said.

"Let's go.", Stanley swallowed, as they walked further into the village. Stanley let out a cry of shock, covering his eyes as he saw the horrible sight.

"Oh my god-- Oh my god, Stanley.", Kingsley whispered, running to the ground, strewn with dead bodies.

Stanley waved his wand, his hand shaking as the light spread across the people, looking for anyone who was alive. "Lee-- what if they come back?", Stanley said softly, his eyes wide.

A faint cry sounded, after the unmistakable sound of footsteps. "Someone's coming-- hide.", Stanley whispered.

"I heard someone-- a baby.", Kingsley said, eyeing Stanley. "Lee-"

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