Chapter Ninety Nine

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the field

Sirius looked up at the darkening sky, the pain almost unbearable in his gut. He cursed tiredly as the blood leaked through his shirt, staining the grass.

"Sirius? Where are you?", a familiar voice cried out. "J-James.", Sirius cried out.

"I'm here, I'm here!", James cried, running up to Sirius and crouching next to him. A tear left Sirius' eye as he let out a whimper of pain. "It hurts- I can't stay awake, Prongs.", he choked out, his breath ragged.

"Tell- tell Moony that I-", he said, his eyes watering. James shook his head, "You'll tell him yourself.", he said determinedly.

"Well, well, well.", a voice said. Rabastan pointed his gun at the two of them, a smirk on his face. "Who should I shoot?", he croaked.

James pointed his wand at Rabastan, his hand trembling.

"Drop your wand or I shoot him.", he said, cocking the rifle.

"James- Padfoot, are you there?", Remus' voice called into the darkness. "J-James.", Sirius breathed. James looked at him, and then back at Rabastan.

"How do I know you won't shoot?", he asked softly, his wand still trembling. "Get out of the way or I'll shoot you too.", Rabastan said darkly. Sirius' breathing quietened, and footsteps arrived.

"Where are you guys?", Remus called. "Stay where you are!", James yelled out. Rabastan let out a noise of anger, moving the rifle towards Remus.

"What-", Remus asked, and then went silent as he squinted, seeing the gun pointed towards him. "Plea- don't shoot him.", Sirius whimpered, from the ground.

"If you're going to sh- if you're going to shoot so-someone, shoot me.", he stuttered, his eyes fluttering. "Sirius?", Remus cried, still in the dark.

"Be quiet.", James said softly, stepping in front of him. The gun was pointed at James' head, who stood his ground. More footsteps arrived, and the unmistakable sound of Lily and Peter's voices echoed.

Rabastan turned around, and James pointed his wand at him. "Imperio.", he whispered, wincing at the guilt of it. A shot of light came from his wand, hitting Rabastan in the chest.

"Put- put the gun down. Now.". Rabastan obliged, his motions robotic.

Kill him. Kill him now, a voice in James' head said. He shook his head, pointing his wand at Rabastan.

"Stupefy!", he cast, and Rabastan fell, stiff as a board.

"Guys! Get over here, now.", James yelled, and the three of them came running.

"The Portkey'll be here soon, Sirius, just stay awake.", he said quietly.

"Lily, Peter, they're over here!", Remus yelled, running to the field. "Sirius.", he knelt down, his voice cracking.

"H-hey, Moons.", Sirius said, taking Remus' hand in his, wincing as his bloody hand stained Remus', "I missed the moon."

"Forget that, I'm sorry we didn't get here-", Remus said, closing his eyes.

"It hurts.", he said softly. "We're going to get you to a hospital, and they'll fix you right up, alright? You're going to be okay. And- when we go home, Peter will make you those bloody noodles you love.", Remus said softly, laughing as a tear fell out of his eye.

"The- the spicy ones? With the chicken?", Sirius said, his breathing heavy. "Yes, the spicy ones. Even though James is the only one who can eat them without crying.", Remus said.

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