Chapter Seventy Two

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a few minutes later

James' hand had just been fixed, though still hurting. Moody walked into the hospital wing, carrying his wand tightly.

"Mr. Black, may they speak to you now?", he asked gruffly.

"I don't go by that name anymore. James and I are ready.", he said, sitting up in the hospital bed.

"They need you, not Potter.", Moody sighed. "Why not? I was there, too.", James said loudly.

"Yes, you were. The authorities want to speak to Mr. Bla-- er, Sirius.", Moody said, "Follow me to Dumbledores office. Password's lemon drop.", he walked out, his cloak billowing behind him.

"Padfoot, the cloak is upstairs. I'll go get it and follow you.", James said urgently.

"I'll be fine. I'll come back down here as soon as I'm done.", Sirius said, kissing Remus on the cheek and waving before running out of the room.

dumbledore's office

Sirius walked in, saying the password. There was a room full of adults, and they looked at him.

"Hello, Sirius.", Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. "Headmaster.", Sirius nodded, trying to sound professional.

"Mr. Black, can I ask you a few questions?", an auror asked.

"My name is Sirius. Not Mr. Black.", he reminded. The auror nodded.

"Hello, I'm Alandrea. I'm an auror. Can you tell us what happened?", she asked kindly. Sirius nodded, repeating the story.

"I'm Alex. Sirius, are you in contact with your family?", a male auror asked

"No. I ran away about two years ago, and I'm to be disowned soon.", Sirius said firmly.

"Sir, what does that have to do with anything?", he asked, after a beat.

"Your family are known death eaters. Mr. Potter and you were alone. Did you cause the blast?", Alex asked.

Sirius blanched his heart . "James and his family took me in when I ran away. Do you know why I ran away, Alex? I ran away because I don't support them or their views. I was tortured multiple times by them because I wouldn't join them. James is my brother. He saved my life. I would never.", he ended.

The room was quiet. "I'm sorry for suggesting that, Sirius.", Alex said.

"Can I leave?", Sirius asked. "Sirius, that's unadvisable.", Alex said

"I-- I can't stay here.", Sirius said, feeling the room grow smaller. His heart pounded in his ears, and he felt his mouth go dry.

"Alex, Sirius is my student. He will go back to the hospital wing with his friends and his boyfriend.", McGonagall said loudly. She walked towards Sirius, putting an arm around his shoulders, walking out.

"Minnie, you know I wouldn't do that, right?", Sirius croaked, as they walked towards the hospital wing.

"Those aurors, they went too far. You're a good man, Sirius.", McGonagall said, looking into his eyes.

"Thank you.", Sirius said, wrapping his arms around her.

Sirius walked into the hospital room. Lily was asleep, curled up next to James, who was awake. Peter was asleep on the couch, snoring.

"Are you okay?", James asked.

"What did they ask?", Remus questioned.

"Er, I'm fine. They- they accused me of doing it. The blast.", Sirius said quietly.

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