Chapter Fifty One

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The four boys walked into the common room silently, which was a first. 

"You lot? Quiet? Who died?", Frank joked. 

The boys didn't say anything, staring at Frank, slightly open mouthed. "Bloody hell, I'm sorry.", Frank whispered, running a hand through his hair. 

James nodded at him, before following the other boys up to their dorm. 

The three boys didn't say anything as Peter threw his things in his trunk carelessly, not bothering with his wand. 

Lily watched them, standing in the doorway. 

Peter threw things carelessly into his trunk, forgetting about his wand. The three boys stared at him silently, as if he were about to break. 

"I'm so sorry, Peter.", Lily whispered, wrapping him in a hug. Peter stiffened, before pulling away. 

"I'm fine.", Peter said, though his eyes were misty. He roughly wiped at his face, staring at the boys, as if they were going to make fun of him. 

"Can we take the cloak? I can't stand those pitying looks.", Peter sniffed. 

"Of course, Pete.", James said, offering him a small smile, which Peter did not return. 

                                         christmas of fifth year, pettigrew cottage

Peter clambered down the stairs, expecting to see presents waiting for him. "Happy Christmas!", he cried. 

He heard a groan from the living room. "Stop shouting, will you, Pete? My god, you're so loud.", his mother had said, pressing a hand to her forehead. 

"Sorry, Mum.", Peter said, although he felt a twinge of annoyance. Why was she drunk on Christmas? Maybe he'd have better luck with his dad. 

He ran up the stairs to his dad's room, opening the door quietly, where his dad was passed out, a beer bottle next to him. 

Peter was ready to yell. James had invited him to the Potters' house for Christmas, but Peter had refused, thinking this year would be different. 

"Peter?", his dad called. "Dad?", Peter asked, a glimmer of hope flickering in his heart. 

"Pass me the beer.", his dad slurred. 

"No.", Peter stuttered, feeling an unusual spark. 

"No?", his mum asked, managing to walk up the stairs somehow. 

"No. I said no.", Peter said, puffing out his chest. His mum raised an eyebrow, challenging him. 

This only aggravated Peter further. 

"You're always drunk. Every single time, I come home, hoping you're not. But you are. You said you would stop, you promised.", Peter said, cringing at his petulant tone.

"Promises are meant to be broken.", his dad said, with an air of finality. 

"They aren't. It's time to choose, your son or getting drunk.", Peter said.

"Easy choice, getting drunk!", his mum crowed. 

Peter stared, his beady eyes wide. 

"You heard her, boy.", his dad laughed, a hacking one. 

"I'm leaving.", Peter said, "I hate you. I hope you know that.", he announced, before walking the long way to James' house, where he spent the rest of his holidays. 

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