Chapter Forty Three

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Regulus wandered down to the exit of the common room, stepping outside, his mind blank. 

What just happened?

A tear slipped down his face. 

"Weak.", he hissed at himself. 

"Itty bitty Reggie is crying.", a familiar voice cackled behind him. 

He turned around with his wand in his hand, tears blurring his vision. "Who's there?", he asked. 

"Petrificus Totalus!", another voice shouted. Regulus fell stiffly, his eyes frantically moving around. 

"Is he crying?", a student giggled. 

Severus Snape stepped out of the shadows, looking at Regulus over his hooked nose. 

Regulus pleaded at him through his eyes.

"We can't have Death Eaters crying, now can we?", Snape said, his face showing disgust.

Regulus felt a kick to his side, a sound trying to escape his lips, but nothing did.

"Poor baby.", a student who had a streak of green in her hair tutted, waving her wand, levitating Regulus into the air. 

"I don't think that's a good idea.", someone else muttered.

The student with the green hair ignored her, watching evilly as she dropped Regulus onto the cold dungeon floor, again and again.


"Sirius-- come quick.", Peter panted. "Am I interrupting something?", he asked awkwardly. 

"Yes, Wormtail.", Sirius laughed., 

"It's your brother.", Peter breathed. 

Sirius jumped out of the bed, eyes wild. "What happened?", he asked, his heart pounding. 

"Follow me.", Peter said, running out of the door.


"Reg? What happened?", Sirius asked, crouched down next to the sobbing boy outside the common room.

Regulus didn't answer, a cry escaping through his lips. 

Sirius looked at James, who shrugged. "We were walking out and he was just sitting there, curled up.", James whispered. 

Sirius reached out to touch his brother's hand, who winced at the touch. 

"Reg, you have bruises everywhere.", Sirius said sharply.

"Sorry-- I shouldn't have come, it's nothing.", Regulus muttered, staggering as he stood up. 

"Sit down, mama's boy, will you?", Sirius asked. "What happened?", he asked, in a kinder voice.

"Nothing, alright? I- I fell down the stairs.", Regulus lied, looking at Sirius. 

"We both know that's a lie.", Sirius said sternly. 

"Barty- he ended things, alright? And I got beaten up by some Slytherins for crying. Is that what you want to hear?", Regulus asked angrily.

Sirius stared at him, shocked. 

"That little--I'll kill him.", Sirius growled, standing up. 

Lily glared at him, making him sit down sheepishly. 

Lily pulled out her wand. "Give me your arm.", she asked, to Regulus. 

 He eyed her warily. "Er-- why?", he asked. 

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