Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three

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Remus woke up to his leg in unbearable pain. His eyes popped open as he let out a grunt, trying to get up. "Hey, Moons.", Sirius said gently, handing him a biscuit, which Remus took.

"How's your leg?", Lily asked, sitting down next to him. "It feels like it's been snapped in two.", Remus swallowed.

"This is going to hurt.", James warned, as Lily waved her wand. Remus grabbed Sirius' hand, gritting his teeth as his leg snapped back into place.

"How- is the infection still bad?", Remus choked out, looking at James, "And your stomach-", he said, turning to Sirius.

"We're fine, Moony, right now you need to rest.", James said firmly.

"Did you eat?", Peter asked hesitantly, looking at Sirius. Sirius looked down, swallowing. "You can do this.", Lily said, handing him a piece of toast.

"I'll eat with you?", Remus asked quietly, taking one himself. Sirius nodded, taking a tiny bite from it. "I- 's good.", Sirius muttered, eating the rest of it, his eyes downcast.

The other four grinned at each other, happy that he was getting better.

next day

The girls had all gone out to a park, walking around together. "You start missions again tomorrow, don't you?", Alice asked. Lily nodded, brushing back her hair.

"Yeah, Sirius seems to be getting a lot better, and James' infection is healing."

"Er, can we stop in the drugstore?", Mary asked hesitantly, turning to the store. "The drugstore? What for?", Marlene asked, bewildered.

Mary looked at the other girls, her eyes locking on each one of them. Dorcas was the first to understand, her eyes widening. "MARY- OH MY GOODNESS!", she shrieked.

Mary let out a laugh, still looking nervous, "I still don't know, but I want to check with the Muggle way.".

Realization dawned upon the other girls' faces, and they shrieked, Marlene the loudest, as she hugged her sister tightly.

"I can't breathe.", Mary grinned, as Marlene let her go.

"Where do you want to take it?", Lily asked, her cheeks tinged pink with happiness. "Just in the bathroom. I don't want to make it a big deal if I'm not.", Mary said, as they went in.


The other girls waited outside the bathroom as Mary went in, both nervous and excited at the same time.

Mary stepped out, holding a pregnancy test, grinning at all of them. They shrieked, laughing and hugging her. "You're going to be a mum!", Alice yelled, her cheeks pink with excitement.

Mary laughed at them, a big smile on her face. Dorcas pulled out her camera, taking a picture of the five of them as it slid out, sliding it into her pocket.

"The war.", Mary said suddenly, her face falling, "What am I supposed to do?".

Lily grabbed Mary's hand in an instant, locking eyes with her. "Hey, look, we're all here for you and the baby.", she said firmly.

"How do I tell Alex?", she said, her eyes wide. "We'll help you with that too.", Marlene said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Mary nodded, taking a deep breath, the smile back on her face as the girls walking through the park, where the boys were meeting them.

Remus was practically leaning on James for support as they walked through the street. A blue bandage with ducks on it was on his cheekbone.

"Why are we here again?", he asked.

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